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Vifibnet is a daemon setting up a resilient virtual private network over the

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    Vifibnet ( sic ) has three separate components : a setup (, a
    server ( and a client (
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7 8 9
    Lambda users only have to launch the setup and then their client.
    The server is meant to be started once on a node which also will be running
    a client instance.
10 11 12 13

The organisation of the code         Just contain the main loop and the init             To launch server/client/routing processes
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14            Small functions to do some useful job
15 16               Function to manage peers           To choose wich connection delete/keep/...
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17 18          To open a port

19 20
Note: On certain version of python (e.g. 2.7.3~rc2-2.1 ) dns lookup is
      performed for each request, and cause a delay in response.
21 22
      To avoid this, one can either upgrade python, fix their resolv.conf or use
      the fix at the end of this file.

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    usage : ./registry port [options...]
            The port on which the server will listen

29 30 31 32 33
    --private ip
            Ipv6 address of the vifibnet client running on the machine. This
            address will be advertised only to nodes having a valid

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34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
    --db path
            Path to the server Database file. A new DB file will be created
            and correctly initialized if the file doesn't exists.
            One can give ":memory" as path, the database is then temporary

    --ca path
            Path to the certificate authority file. The certificate authority
            MUST contain the VPN network prefix in its serial number. To
            generate correct ca and key files for the 2001:db8:42:: prefix,
            the following command can be used :
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            openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -key ca.key -set_serial \
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45 46 47 48 49 50
                    0x120010db80042 -days 365 -out ca.crt

    --key path
            Path to the server key file. To generate a key file, see the --ca

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
    --bootstrap prefix ip port proto
            Connection informations of a node given to other as a bootstrap
            node to initiate connection with the network.
            Prefix should be the prefix number of a node, given in binary and
            with correct length. For instance the VPN address
            2001:db8:42:1::/64 ( asusming a network prefix 2001:db8:42::/48 )
            corresponds to a prefix 1/16 i.e 0000000000000001.

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    --mailhost mailhost
            Mailhost to be used to send email containing token for registration

    usage : ./setup [options...]
    --server address
             Ip address of the machine running the vifibnet server. Both ipv4
             and ipv6 addresses are supported.

    --port port
             Port to connect to on the machine running the vifibnet server.

    -d, --dir directory
            Path of a directory where will be stored the files generated by the
            setup. The Setup genereates the following files, in the explicit
            order :
            - ca.pem : certificate authority file downloaded from the server
            - peers.db : peers database initialized for
            - cert.key : private key generated by the script
            - cert.crt : individual certificate file generated by the server
            - dh2048.pem : dh file for oenvpn server

    -r, --req name value
            Specify an attribute to add to the certificate request sent to the
            server. Can be used multiple times.
            Each use of the --req name value, will add the attribute name with
            the associated value in the sugbject of the certificate request.

            Stop the script after downloading the certificate authority file
            from the server

            Stop the script after creating the peers DB and downloading the
            connection information of a bootstrap node of the VPN.

            Does not re'quest a bootstrap peer to the peer discovery server
            (useful in debug when the server does not have any peer in his
            database). When requesting a bootstrap peer to a server whoch does
            not have any, an execption will occur, and the script will stop

    usage : ./ [options...]
    --ip address port proto
            Specify connection information to be advertised to other nodes.
            address MUST be a ipv4 address since as of now openvpn does not
            support ipv6 addresses.
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            Proto should be either udp or tcp-client
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    -i, --interface interface
            Give one interface name for each use of the argument. The interface
            will be used to detect other nodes on the local network.
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    --peers-db-refresh duration
            Duration in seconds of the peers DB refresh interval.
            Default : 3600  ( 1 hour )

    -l, --log directory
            Path to the directory used for log files. Will create one file
            for babel logging and one file for each openvpn server and client
            Default : /var/log

    -s, --state directory
            Path to the directory used for state files. State files include :
            - peers.db : the peers db used to establish connection
127 128 129 130
            - vifibnet.babeld.state : babeld state file ( created if does not
              exists, overriden if exists )
              There must be a valid peers db file ( named peers.db ) in the
              directory. A valid peers db file can be created with
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131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
            Default : /var/lib/vifibnet

    -v, --verbose level
            Defines the verbose level, level should be an integer between 0
            and 5 ( including ). There is no precise convention for verbode
            level for now, except an increased number means more log messages.
            This parameter is also given to openvpn and babel for their log.
            Default : 0

    --registry address
           Complete public ( reachable from the internet ) address of the machine
142 143
           running a registry. Will be used to get the pirvate address of the
           registry and/or bootstrap peers
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144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151

    --hello duration
            Set hello interval, in seconds, for both wired and wireless
            connections. Openvpn ping-exit option is set to 4 times the hello
            interval. Argument passed down to the babel daemon, equivalent
            to :
            -h duration -H duration
            in babeld ( for more information, see babeld man page )
152 153 154
            It takes between 3 times and 4 times the hello interval for babel
            to re-establish connection with a node for which the direct
            connection has been cut
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            Default : 15
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156 157 158 159 160

    -w, --wireless
            Consider all interfaces as being wireless interfaces. Argument
            directly passed down to the babeld daemon

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    --pp port proto
            Port and protocol used by the openvpn server(s). Start one openvpn
            server for each couple port/protocol specified.
            Additionally, if no external configuration is given in the command
            line, vifibnet will attempt to forward a port with upnp for each
            couple port/proto given.
            Protocols should be either udp or tcp-server.
            Default : (1194, udp), (1194, tcp-server)
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169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222

    --tunnel-refresh duration
            Interval in seconds between two tunnel refresh. Refreshing tunnels
            mean :
            - killing all dead tunnels ( detected via the ping-exit option
              if openvpn )
            - killing the 'worst' tunnels, so that at least the ratio of
              tunnels set by the --refresh-rate option have been killed
            - creating new tunnels to other clients randomly choosen in the
              peers database, to reach the number of connection specified by
              the connection-count option ( There can be less tunnels if the
              peers DB does not contain enough peers )
            Default : 300

    --dh path
            Path to the dh file to be used by the openvpn server
            (for more information see the openvpn man page)

    --ca path
            Path to the certificate authority file delivered by the vifibnet
            server. The prefix of the VPN network is included in the serial
            number of the file.

    --cert path
            Path to the individual certificate file delivered by the vifibnet
            server. The prefix of the machine is included in the certificate's
            subject common name.

    --connection-count number
            The maximum number of openvpn clients to start.
            Default : 20

    --refresh-rate ratio
            The ratio of connection to kill each time we refresh tunnels.
            For more information see the --tunnel-refresh option
            ratio should be a float between 0 and 1 ( included )
            Default : 0.05

            Additional arguments to be passed down to all openvpn processes
            can be given at the end of the command line.
            In that case, insert '--' to delimit vifibnet regular options
            from the additional openvpn arguments. The list of arguments will
            be passed down to ALL openvpn processes ( including servers )
            exactly as they are given
            One SHOULD give a --key argument with the key file delivered by the
            vifibnet server

            You can give to vifibnet a config file as a regular argument
            (meaning before giving optional openvpn arguments)
            The file should contain one option per line, possibly ommitting
            the '--'. Only long option are allowed (i.e "v 3" will not work
            while "verbose 3" will)
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            You can give a file ( with the @ prefix ) as an argument within a
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241

If you are using a version of python < 2.7.3-2, then you should include this at 
the beggining of

# Fix for librpcxml to avoid doing reverse dns on each request
# it was causing a 10s delay on each request when no reverse DNS was avalaible
import BaseHTTPServer

def not_insane_address_string(self):
    host, port = self.client_address[:2]
    return '%s (reverse DNS disabled)' % host  # used to call: socket.getfqdn(host)

BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.address_string = not_insane_address_string

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New log system :
    we use the logging module now. There are three levels for log messages :
    - info : give basic information about what vifibnet is doing
    - debug : display internal work of the script (finished action, detailed
              information about tunnels, etc... )
    - trace : for intensive debug, display configuration, arguments given to
              processes, all information pertinent to debug but not required
              mot of the time
    Additionally, warning, error and exception can be used.
    Note : logging.exception prints informations similar to pdb.set_trace()
           info, which is pretty heavy, so for exception we expect ( for
           instance, connection problems to the registry ), one can print the
           exception as warning. ( see db.refresh() ).