Commit 094be27b authored by Michael Davidsaver's avatar Michael Davidsaver

probe C preprocessor macros

parent ca30d337
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ jobs:
shell: bash
run: |
set -x
python -m setuptools_dso.probe
python -m nose2 setuptools_dso
- name: Test Example wheel
shell: bash
......@@ -149,8 +150,11 @@ jobs:
export SETUPTOOLS_DSO_PLAT_NAME="${{ matrix.manylinux }}_${{ matrix.piparch }}"
python -m pip install -v --no-index -f dist setuptools_dso
python -m setuptools_dso.probe
python -m nose2 setuptools_dso
cd example
python -m pip install -v --no-index -f ../dist setuptools_dso
python sdist -d ../dist --formats=gztar
cd ..
......@@ -30,5 +30,22 @@ The `ProbeToolchain` class exists to allow these questions to be answered. ::
zip_safe = False,
.. _probe_classify:
Toolchain Classification
:py:attr:`` is a :py:class:`probe.ToolchainInfo` object based
on compiler specific predefined preprocessor macros. ::
from setuptools_dso import ProbeToolchain
probe = ProbeToolchain()
if'gcc' and<(4,9,4):
print("GCC version is too old")
.. autoclass:: ProbeToolchain
.. autoclass:: setuptools_dso.probe.ToolchainInfo
......@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@
Release Notes
.. currentmodule:: setuptools_dso
* Add :py:attr:`` and :py:class:`probe.ToolchainInfo` for :ref:`probe_classify`.
2.4 (Oct 2021)
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
import re
import os
import shutil
......@@ -21,11 +26,11 @@ except ImportError:
shutil.rmtree(, ignore_errors=True) = None
from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, CompileError
from distutils import log
from .compiler import new_compiler
__all__ = (
......@@ -44,12 +49,12 @@ class ProbeToolchain(object):
self.verbose = verbose
self.headers = list(headers)
self.define_macros = list(define_macros)
self._info = None
self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=compiler,
# TODO: quiet compile errors?
# clang '-flto' produces LLVM bytecode instead of ELF object files.
......@@ -64,6 +69,13 @@ class ProbeToolchain(object):
self._tdir = TemporaryDirectory()
self.tempdir =
def _source_name(self, basename, language='c', **kws):
for ext, lang in self.compiler.language_map.items():
if lang==language:
return basename + ext
raise ValueError('unknown language '+language)
def compile(self, src, language='c', define_macros=[], **kws):
"""Compile provided source code and return path to resulting object file
......@@ -75,13 +87,7 @@ class ProbeToolchain(object):
:param list extra_compile_args: Extra arguments to pass to the compiler
define_macros = self.define_macros + list(define_macros)
for ext, lang in self.compiler.language_map.items():
if lang==language:
srcname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'try_compile' + ext)
raise ValueError('unknown language '+language)
srcname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, self._source_name('try_compile', language=language))
log.debug('/* test compile */\n'+src)
with open(srcname, 'w') as F:
......@@ -228,3 +234,223 @@ class ProbeToolchain(object):
ret = self.try_compile('\n'.join(src), **kws)'Probe Member %s::%s -> %s', struct, member, 'Present' if ret else 'Absent')
return ret
def eval_macros(self, macros, headers=(), define_macros=[], **kws):
"""Expand C/C++ preprocessor macros.
For undefined macros, None is returned.
For defined macros a string is returned.
When evaluating multiple macros, the order of the macros argument is preserved
in the OrderedDict which is returned.
:returns: An OrderedDict mapping to string (if defined) or None (if not defined)
:param str|list macros: A macro name string, or a list of such strings
:param list headers: List of headers to include during all test compilations
:param list define_macros: Extra macro definitions.
:param list include_dirs: Extra directories to search for headers
:param list extra_preargs: Extra arguments to pass to the compiler
:param list extra_postargs: Extra arguments to pass to the compiler
if isinstance(macros, str):
macros = [macros]
srcname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, self._source_name('eval_macros_in', **kws))
outname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, self._source_name('eval_macros_out', **kws))
define_macros = self.define_macros + list(define_macros)
src = ['#include <%s>'%h for h in self.headers+list(headers)]
for macro in macros:
#if defined({macro})
void D_{macro} = |||{macro}|||;
void U_{macro} = ||||||;
#endif /* {macro} */
src = '\n'.join(src)
with open(srcname, 'w') as F:
self.compiler.preprocess(srcname, outname, macros=define_macros, **kws)
with open(outname, 'r') as F:
out =
defs = {}
for M in re.finditer(r'void ([DU])_([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) = \|\|\|(.*?)\|\|\|;', out, re.MULTILINE):
du, name, val = M.groups()
if du=='D':
defs[name] = val
elif du=='U':
defs[name] = None
raise ValueError("Logic error {0!r} : {1!r}".format(M, M.groups()) )
return OrderedDict([(name, defs[name]) for name in macros]) # will error in some def was extracted
def info(self):
"""Inspect toolchain
:returns: A :py:class:`probe.ToolchainInfo`
if self._info is None:
self._info = ToolchainInfo(self)
return self._info
class ToolchainInfo(object):
"""Information about a compiler toolchain
compiler_type = None
"""Directly copied from :py:class:`distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compiler_type`
Known values include: 'bcpp', 'cygwin', 'mingw', 'msvc', 'unix'
compiler = None
"""Compiler implementation name
Possible values; 'clang', 'gcc', 'msvc'
compiler_version = None
"""Compiler release version as a tuple of integers suitible for comparison
eg. for GCC: (4,9,2), clang: (11,0,1), msvc: (19,0,24245)
gnuish = False
"""True when compiler is clang or gcc
target_os = None
"""Target OS runtime environment
Known values: "cygwin", "linux", "osx", "windows"
target_arch = None
"""Target CPU architecture
Known values: "aarch64", "arm32", "amd64", "i386"
address_width = 0
"""Width in bits of a virtual address. aka. 8*sizeof(void*)
Known values: 32, 64
endian = None
"""Target byte order for multi-byte values
Known values: "little", "big"
# cf.
__macros = [
# compiler ID
__info = {
('__APPLE__', 'osx'),
('__CYGWIN__', 'cygwin'),
('__linux__', 'linux'),
('_WIN32', 'windows'),
# GCC/clang
('__aarch64__', 'aarch64'),
('__arm__', 'arm32'),
('__x86_64__', 'amd64'),
('__i386__', 'i386'),
('_M_ARM', 'arm32'),
('__x86_64__', 'little'),
('__i386__', 'little'),
('__ARMEB__', 'big'),
('__ARMEL__', 'little'),
def __init__(self, TC):
self.compiler_type = TC.compiler.compiler_type
macros = self.__macros + [macro for macro,_value in chain(*[x for x in self.__info.values()])]
self._raw_macros = D = TC.eval_macros(macros)
# special handler for compiler version
if D['__clang__'] is not None:
self.compiler = 'clang'
self.compiler_version = tuple(int(D[comp]) for comp in ('__clang_major__',
self.gnuish = True
elif D['__GNUC__'] is not None:
self.compiler = 'gcc'
self.compiler_version = tuple(int(D[comp]) for comp in ('__GNUC__',
self.gnuish = True
elif D['_MSC_VER'] is not None:
self.compiler = 'msvc'
# eg. "190024245" -> (19, 00, 24245)
self.compiler_version = tuple(int(p) for p in (FV[:2], FV[2:4], FV[4:]))
log.warn("Warning: unable to classify compiler")
for attr, info in self.__info.items():
for macro, val in info:
if D.get(macro) is not None:
setattr(self, attr, val)
if getattr(self, attr) is None:
log.warn("Warning: unable to classify "+attr)
self.address_width = 8*TC.sizeof('void*')
def __repr__(self):
S = []
for name in dir(self):
if name.startswith('_'):
V = getattr(self, name)
if callable(V):
S.append('{0}={1!r}'.format(name, V))
return 'ToolchainInfo({})'.format(', '.join(S))
__str__ = __repr__
if __name__=='__main__':
import os
import unittest
from .. import probe
......@@ -17,3 +18,45 @@ class TryCompile(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(self.probe.check_symbol('RAND_MAX', headers=['stdlib.h']))
self.assertTrue(self.probe.check_symbol('abort', headers=['stdlib.h']))
self.assertFalse(self.probe.check_symbol('intentionally_undeclared_symbol', headers=['stdlib.h']))
def test_macros(self):
inp = os.path.join(self.probe.tempdir, 'defs.h')
with open(inp, 'w') as F:
/* not defined UNDEF */
#define NOVAL
#define MAGIC 42
#define HELLO "hello world"
#define MULTILINE this \
is a test
defs = self.probe.eval_macros(['UNDEF', 'NOVAL', 'MAGIC', 'HELLO', 'MULTILINE'], headers=[inp])
# GCC/clang == ' ', msvc == ''
if defs['NOVAL']=='':
defs['NOVAL'] = ' '
self.assertListEqual(list(defs.items()), [
('UNDEF', None),
('NOVAL', ' '),
('MAGIC', '42'),
('HELLO', '"hello world"'),
('MULTILINE', 'this is a test'),
def test_predef(self):
gnuc, clang, msc_ver = self.probe.eval_macros(['__GNUC__', '__clang__', '_MSC_VER'])
self.assertTrue(gnuc or clang or msc_ver)
def test_info(self):
info =
print("Raw Macros", info._raw_macros)
print("Info", info)
self.assertIn(info.compiler, ('clang', 'gcc', 'msvc'))
self.assertGreater(info.compiler_version, (0,))
self.assertIn(info.target_os, ("cygwin", "linux", "osx", "windows"))
self.assertIn(info.target_arch, ("aarch64", "arm32", "amd64", "i386"))
self.assertIn(info.address_width, (32, 64))
self.assertIn(info.endian, ("little", "big"))
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