Commit 3f3ff746 authored by Michael Davidsaver's avatar Michael Davidsaver

build_dso parallel compile

parent 40b492ab
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import glob
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib import import_module # say that three times fast...
from multiprocessing import Pool
from setuptools import Command, Distribution, Extension as _Extension
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
......@@ -19,6 +20,26 @@ from distutils import log
Distribution.x_dsos = None
if sys.version_info<(3,4) or platform.system()=='Windows':
# bypass multiprocessing optimization (parallel compile)
# for older py (can't pickle the necessary pieces)
# for windows as freeze_support() is a pain.
class Pool(object):
def __init__(self, N):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self,A,B,C):
class DummyJob(object):
def __init__(self, fn, args, kws):
self._F = fn, args, kws
def get(self):
fn, args, kws = self._F
return fn(*args, **kws)
def apply_async(self, fn, args, kws):
return self.DummyJob(fn, args, kws)
def massage_dir_list(bdirs, indirs):
"""Process a list of directories for use with -I or -L
For relative paths, also include paths relative to a build directory
......@@ -275,14 +296,32 @@ class build_dso(dso2libmixin, Command):
# do the actual compiling
objects = []
for lang, srcs in SRC.items():
extra_postargs=extra_args + (dso.lang_compile_args.get(lang) or []),
if 'NUM_JOBS' in os.environ: # because it is so very cumbersome to pass extra build args through pip and setuptools ...
nworkers = int(os.environ['NUM_JOBS'])
elif hasattr(os, 'cpu_count'): # py3
nworkers = os.cpu_count()
nworkers = 2 # why not?
with Pool(nworkers) as P:
jobs = []
for lang, srcs in SRC.items():
# submit jobs
# allocate every n-th object to the n-th worker.
# Load not well balanced, but easy to do.
for inputs in [srcs[n::nworkers] for n in range(nworkers)]:
jobs.append(P.apply_async(self.compiler.compile, [inputs], {
'extra_postargs':extra_args + (dso.lang_compile_args.get(lang) or []),
# work for completion
[objects.extend(job.get()) for job in jobs]
library_dirs = massage_dir_list([self.build_lib], dso.library_dirs or [])
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