Commit 8c277146 authored by Michael Davidsaver's avatar Michael Davidsaver


parent cc5f8bab
......@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
Release Notes
2.1 (July 2021)
* Introduce usage of **$SETUPTOOLS_DSO_PLAT_NAME** to override platform name during wheel builds
* Add :py:class:`setuptools_dso.ProbeToolchain` for toolchain introspection.
* Allow setup() argument x_dsos= to be a one argument callable returning a list of DSO instances.
* Allow :py:func:`setuptools_dso.setup` argument x_dsos= to be a one argument callable returning a list of DSO instances.
* Correctly note that wheels with DSOs are not pure.
2.0 (June 2021)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from setuptools import setup, Extension
description="setuptools extension to build non-python shared libraries",
long_description="""setuptools extension for building non-python shared libraries
and packaging them for distribution. eg. for use by python extensions.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def setup(**kws):
Wrapper around setuptools.setup() which injects extra Commands needed to build DSOs.
Unknown keywords are passed through.
:param x_dsos: None, a list of :py:class:`DSO` instances, or a callable returning a list.
:param x_dsos: None, a list of :py:class:`DSO` instances, or a callable with one argument returning such a list.
cmdclass = kws.setdefault('cmdclass', {})
# cmdclass_setdefault sets default to cmdclass[name]=klass and verifies
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