Commit b49e171c authored by Michael Davidsaver's avatar Michael Davidsaver

add cythonize wrapper

parent e40f5883
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ __all__ = (
def setup(**kws):
"""Wrapper around setuptools.setup() which injects extra Commands
needed to build DSOs.
cmdclass = kws.setdefault('cmdclass', {})
# cmdclass_setdefault sets default to cmdclass[name]=klass and verifies
# that cmdclass[name] is a subclass of klass. This way we check, for
......@@ -29,3 +32,21 @@ def setup(**kws):
cmdclass_setdefault('build_ext', build_ext)
kws.setdefault('zip_safe', len(kws.get('ext_modules', []))==0 and len(kws.get('x_dsos', []))==0)
def cythonize(orig, **kws):
"""Wrapper around Cython.Build.cythonize() to correct handling of
DSO()s and Extension()s using them.
from Cython.Build import cythonize as _cythonize # fails if cython is not actually installed
cmods = _cythonize(orig, **kws)
for new, old in zip(cmods, orig):
if new is old or not isinstance(old, Extension):
assert isinstance(new, Extension), new
# _cythonize() has re-created our Extension.
# The correct class is used, but our special attributes are lost.
# So we copy them over
for key in ('dsos', 'lang_compile_args', 'soversion'):
if hasattr(old, key):
setattr(new, key, getattr(old, key))
return cmods
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