1. 27 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Bugfix: avoid newline in interpreter. · ecadba6f
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      By having newline in interpreter name, z3c.recipe.scripts created
      bin/\npync file, and such was returned. This lead to returning
      buildout:bin-directory path, which was killing buildout in next run.
  2. 24 Jul, 2011 4 commits
  3. 22 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  4. 21 Jul, 2011 2 commits
  5. 20 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      Renamed some variables. · 59620375
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      Renamed signature_private_file to signature_private_key_file.
      And also signature_public_file to signature_certificate_file.
  6. 18 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  7. 06 Jul, 2011 7 commits
  8. 05 Jul, 2011 3 commits
  9. 01 Jul, 2011 2 commits
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      Use shutil to copy the file content. · 059d01bb
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      When you use 'for line in file', it uses the next method under the hood.
      And such method can load very big pieces of the binary file into the RAM
      The shutil method will copy the file using smalls chunks, so the
      RAM memory is gonna be safe.
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      Select method returns a file descriptor. · 71255840
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      So it needs to write the file content in the correct path which must
      be used by buildout.
  10. 23 Jun, 2011 18 commits