Commit 7c0dbcb3 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_crm: Only check software instances on Friend and Public computers.

parent 9016d3cb
......@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ for instance in software_instance_list:
if (date_check_limit - instance.getCreationDate()) < 0:
if instance.getAggregateValue() is not None:
computer_partition = instance.getAggregateValue()
if computer_partition is not None:
has_newest_allocated_instance = True
if instance.getPortalType() == "Software Instance" and \
computer_partition.getParentValue().getAllocationScope() in ["open/friend", "open/public"] and \
return context.HostingSubscription_createSupportRequestEvent(
instance, 'slapos-crm-hosting-subscription-instance-state.notification')
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