Commit 4bc4fb07 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

screen setup with scrolling

parent 22ffece1
startup_message off
defscrollback 4096 # size of scrollback buffer (lines)
# alt-pg{up,down} to scrollback in history
bindkey ^[[5;3~ eval "copy" "stuff \"^u\"" # alt-pgup goes to copy mode
bindkey ^[[6;3~ eval "copy" "stuff \"^d\"" # alt-pgdn goes to copy mode
bindkey -m ^[[5;3~ stuff "^u" # alt-pgup sends page-up in copy mode
bindkey -m ^[[6;3~ stuff "^d" # alt-pgdn sends page-down in copy mode
# enable alternate screen, like in xterm
altscreen on
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