Commit 897c4a29 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X also quote *_ref in drb.cfg and sib23.asn

parent 36ff57fa
// DRB configuration for LTE cell {{ cell_ref }} @ {{ ru_ref }}.
{%- set B = xbuildout.encode -%}
// DRB configuration for LTE cell {{ B(cell_ref) }} @ {{ B(ru_ref) }}.
// DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
{% set T_REORDERING = {'fdd': 35, 'tdd': 65} [cell.rf_mode] %}
// DRB configuration for NR cell {{ cell_ref }} @ {{ ru_ref }}.
{%- set B = xbuildout.encode -%}
// DRB configuration for NR cell {{ B(cell_ref) }} @ {{ B(ru_ref) }}.
// DRB configuration for LTE cell CELL_a @ RU1.
// DRB configuration for LTE cell CELL__a @ RU1.
// DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL_a @ RU1. */
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL__a @ RU1. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
// DRB configuration for NR cell CELL_b @ RU2.
// DRB configuration for NR cell CELL__b @ RU2.
/* SIB2/SIB3 for NR cell CELL_b @ RU2. */
/* SIB2/SIB3 for NR cell CELL__b @ RU2. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
/* SIB2/SIB3 for {{ cell.cell_type | upper }} cell {{ cell_ref }} @ {{ ru_ref }}. */
{%- set B = xbuildout.encode -%}
/* SIB2/SIB3 for {{ cell.cell_type | upper }} cell {{ B(cell_ref) }} @ {{ B(ru_ref) }}. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
{%- set B = xbuildout.encode -%}
dhcp-leasefile={{ directory['etc'] }}/dnsmasq.leases
......@@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ port=5354
{%- set vtap = json_module.loads(vtap_jdict[ru_tap]) %}
{%- set plen = netaddr.IPNetwork( %}
# {{ ru_ref }} @ {{ ru_tap }}
# {{ B(ru_ref) }} @ {{ ru_tap }}
dhcp-range=tag:{{ ru_tap }},{{ vtap.gateway }},{{ vtap.gateway }},static,{{ plen }},5m
dhcp-host={{ ru.mac_addr }},tag:{{ ru_tap }},[{{ vtap.gateway }}]
# option 17 used for RU callhome
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