Commit 06ed10ee authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 9b4a42a3
......@@ -221,70 +221,97 @@
// data directly into the file.
package main
// wcfs organization
// Wcfs organization
// * 1 ZODB connection for "latest data" for whole filesystem (zconn).
// Wcfs is a ZODB client that translates ZODB objects into OS files as would
// non-wcfs wendelin.core do for a ZBigFile. It is organized as follows:
// * XXX read-only transaction for head data.
// * data/head of all bigfiles represent state as of .
// * the following invariant is maintained:
// - 1 ZODB connection for "latest data" for whole filesystem (zconn).
// - head/data of all bigfiles represent state as of zconn.At .
// - for */head/data the following invariant is maintained:
// #blk ∈ file cache => ZBlk(#blk) + all BTree/Bucket that lead to it ∈ zconn cache
// (ZBlk* in ghost state)
// The invariant helps on invalidations: if we see a changed oid, and
// The invariant helps on invalidation: if we see a changed oid, and
// zconn.cache.lookup(oid) = ø -> we know we don't have to invalidate OS
// cache for any part of any file (even if oid relates to a file block - it
// is uncached and will trigger ZODB load on file read).
// cache for any part of any file (even if oid relates to a file block - that
// block is not cached and will trigger ZODB load on file read).
// Currently we maintain this invariant by simply never evicting LOBTree/LOBucket
// objects from ZODB Connection cache (LOBucket keeps references to ZBlk* and
// so ZBlk* also stay in cache in ghost form). In the future we may want to
// try to synchronize to kernel freeing its pagecache pages.
// Currently we maintain this invariant by simply never evicting ZBlk* and
// LOBTree/LOBucket objects from ZODB Connection cache. In the future we may
// want to try to synchronize to kernel freeing its pagecache pages.
// - when we receive an invalidation message from zstor - we process it and
// propagate invalidations to OS file cache of */head/data:
// * when we receive an invalidation message from zstor - we process it and
// propagate invalidations to OS file cache:
// invalidation message: (tid↑, []oid)
// - zconn.cache.lookup(oid)
// - ø: nothing to do - see invariant ^^^.
// - obj found:
// 1. zconn.cache.lookup(oid)
// 2. ø: nothing to do - see invariant ^^^.
// 3. obj found:
// - ZBlk* -> file/#blk
// - BTree/Bucket -> file/δ(BTree) -> file/[]#blk
// - BTree/Bucket -> δ(BTree) -> file/[]#blk
// in the end for all found objects we have
// in the end after processing all []oid from invalidation message we have
// [] of file/[]#blk
// that describes which file(s) parts needs to be invalidated.
// - for all file/blk to invalidate we do:
// 4. for all file/blk to invalidate we do:
// - try to retrieve file's head/data[blk] from OS file cache;
// - try to retrieve file/head/data[blk] from OS file cache;
// - if retrieved successfully -> store retrieved data into OS file cache
// for @<rev>/data[blk];
// - invalidate head/data[blk] in OS file cache.
// for file/@<rev>/data[blk]; XXX @rev = what? (ideally exact previous rev of blk)
// - invalidate file/head/data[blk] in OS file cache.
// This preserves previous data in OS file cache in case it will be needed
// by not-yet-uptodate clients, and makes sure file read of head/data[blk]
// won't be served from OS file cache and instead will trigger a FUSE read
// request to wcfs.
// - XXX δZtail of invalidation info is maintained.
// - tail of [](tid↑, []oid)
// - {} oid -> []tid↑ in tail
// min(tid) in δZtail is min(@at) at which */head/data is currently mmapped.
// - when we receive a FUSE read(#blk) request to a file/head/data we process it as follows:
// 1. load blkdata for head/data[blk] .
// this also gives upper bound estimate of when the block was last changed:
// This preserves @<rev> data in OS file cache in case it will be needed,
// and makes sure file read of head/data[blk] won't be served from OS file
// cache and will trigger a FUSE read request to wcfs.
// rev(blk) ≤ max(_.serial for _ in (ZBlk(#blk), all BTree/Bucket that lead to ZBlk))
// * XXX δZ tail of invalidation info is maintained.
// XXX it is not exact because BTree/Bucket can change (e.g. rebalance)
// but still point to the same k->ZBlk.
// XXX if we maintain δBTree tail we can maybe get rev(blk) as exact?
// * when we receive a FUSE read(#blk) request to a file's head/data we process it as follows:
// 2. for all client/addr@at mmappings of file/head/data:
// - first for all clients that have file's head/data mmaped with older @rev:
// - rev(blk) ≤ at: -> do nothing
// - rev(blk) > at:
// - if blk ∉ mmapping.pinned -> do nothing
// - client.remmap(addr[blk], file/@at/data) XXX @at -> @revprev(blk) better?
// XXX @at -> @prevrev(file) even more better?
// - mmapping.pinned += blk
// client.remmap(blk, @rev)
// remmapping is done synchronously via ptrace.
// XXX via running wcfs-trusted code wcfs injects into clients.
// remmapping is done synchronously via ptrace.
// XXX via running wcfs-trusted code wcfs injects into clients.
// in order to support remmapping for each file/head/data
// XXX δZ is consulted to find out which client needs such update.
// XXX table of which blocks were already remmaped.
// [] of mmapping{client/addr/@at↑, pinned}
// - load blkdata for head/data[blk] and return it to kernel.
// is maintained.
// XXX δZ is consulted to find out which client needs such update?
// 3. blkdata is returned to kernel.
// Thus a client that wants latest data on pagefault will get latest data,
// and a client that wants @rev data will get @rev data, even if it was this
......@@ -293,9 +320,58 @@ package main
// δ(BTree) notes
// input: BTree, (@new, []oid) -> find out δ(BTree) i.e. {-k(v), +k'(v'), ...}
// - oid ∈ Bucket
// - oid ∈ BTree
// Bucket:
// old = {k -> v}
// new = {k' -> v'}
// Δ = -k(v), +k(v), ...
// => for all buckets
// Δ accumulates to []δk(v)[n+,n-] n+ ∈ {0,1}, n- ∈ {0,1}, if n+=n- - cancel
// BTree:
// old = {k -> B} or {k -> T}
// new = {k' -> B'} or {k' -> T'}
// Δ = -k(B), +k(B), -k(T), +K(T), ...
// we translate (in top-down order):
// k(B) -> {} of k(v)
// k(T) -> {} of k(B) -> {} of k(v)
// which gives
// Δ = k(v), +k(v), ...
// i.e. exactly as for buckets and it accumulates to global Δ.
// The globally-accumulated Δ is the answer for δ(BTree, (@new, []oid))
// XXX -> internal/btreediff ?
// δ(BTree) in wcfs context:
// . -k(blk) -> invalidata #blk
// . +k(blk) -> ignore (no need to invalidate)
// XXX zconn(s) for historical state
// XXX serving read from @<rev>/data
......@@ -841,13 +917,15 @@ func (bf *BigFile) readAt() []byte {
// zodbCacheControl implements LiveCacheControl to tune ZODB to never evict
// zodbCacheControl implements zodb.LiveCacheControl to tune ZODB to never evict
// LOBTree/LOBucket from live cache. We want to keep LOBTree/LOBucket always alive
// becuse it is essentially the index where to find ZBigFile data.
// For the data itself - we put it to kernel pagecache and always deactivate
// from ZODB right after that.
// See "*/head/data invariant" in "wcfs organization" overview.
// TODO set it to Connection.CacheControl
type zodbCacheControl struct {}
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