Commit 0700f488 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 82fd3e37
......@@ -762,7 +762,14 @@ func diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]
aq = append(aq, rchild)
case *Bucket:
// XXX δ += -[k]v -[k]ø (for tracked DEL)
// XXX also -[k]ø (for tracked DEL)
δA, err := diffB(ctx, rchild.node.(*Bucket), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// XXX δ <- δA
// XXX AKeysDone <- δA
......@@ -777,11 +784,14 @@ func diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]
bv = rangeSplit{btop}
for k := range Bkeysq {
bbucket, ok, err := bv.GetToBucket(ctx, k)
if !ok {
continue // key not covered
// XXX check bucket for already "done" (i.e. taken into account)
δB, err := diffB(ctx, nil, bbucket.node.(*Bucket))
if err != nil {
......@@ -790,7 +800,9 @@ func diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]
// XXX δ <- δB
for k, δv := range δ {
if !AKeysDone.Has(k) {
......@@ -869,37 +881,7 @@ func diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]
// merge δ <- δc
for k, δv1 := range δc {
δv2, already := δ[k]
if !already {
δ[k] = δv1
// both δ and δc has [k] - it can be that key
// entry migrated from one bucket into another.
if !( (δv2.New == VDEL && δv1.Old == VDEL) ||
(δv2.Old == VDEL && δv1.New == VDEL) ) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BUG or btree corrupt: [%v] has " +
"duplicate entries: %v, %v", k, δv1, δv2)
δv := ΔValue{}
if δv1.New == VDEL {
δv.Old = δv1.Old
δv.New = δv2.New
} else {
δv.Old = δv2.Old
δv.New = δv1.New
fmt.Printf(" [%v] merge %s %s -> %s\n", k, δv1, δv2, δv)
if δv.Old != δv.New {
δ[k] = δv
} else {
delete(δ, k)
δmergeInto(δ, δc)
// update δc -> tracked keys
......@@ -933,6 +915,44 @@ func diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]
// δmergeInto merges changes from δ2 into δ.
// Usually δ is total-building δ, while δ2 is diff from comparing some subnodes.
func δmergeInto(δ, δ2 map[Key]ΔValue) {
// merge δ <- δ2
for k, δv2 := range δ2 {
δv1, already := δ[k]
if !already {
δ[k] = δv2
// both δ and δ2 has [k] - it can be that key
// entry migrated from one bucket into another.
if !( (δv1.New == VDEL && δv2.Old == VDEL) ||
(δv1.Old == VDEL && δv2.New == VDEL) ) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BUG or btree corrupt: [%v] has " +
"duplicate entries: %v, %v", k, δv1, δv2)
δv := ΔValue{}
if δv2.New == VDEL {
δv.Old = δv2.Old
δv.New = δv1.New
} else {
δv.Old = δv1.Old
δv.New = δv2.New
fmt.Printf(" [%v] merge %s %s -> %s\n", k, δv1, δv2, δv)
if δv.Old != δv.New {
δ[k] = δv
} else {
delete(δ, k)
func __diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]nodeTrack) (δ map[Key]ΔValue, err error) {
fmt.Printf(" T %s %s\n", xidOf(a), xidOf(b))
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