Commit 0bb1c22e authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X xbtree: Verify that ForgetPast clones vδT on trim

Else the memory usage will grow indefinitely.
parent 784a6761
...@@ -1087,15 +1087,32 @@ func TestΔBtailForget(t_ *testing.T) { ...@@ -1087,15 +1087,32 @@ func TestΔBtailForget(t_ *testing.T) {
_, err = δbtail.Update(t3.ΔZ); X(err) _, err = δbtail.Update(t3.ΔZ); X(err)
// forget calls ForgetPast(revCut) and returns state of vδT right after that.
forget := func(revCut zodb.Tid) []ΔTree {
return δbtail.byRoot[t.Root()].vδT
vδT_init := δbtail.byRoot[t.Root()].vδT
assertΔTtail(t.T, "init", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), t1.Δxkv, t2.Δxkv, t3.Δxkv) assertΔTtail(t.T, "init", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), t1.Δxkv, t2.Δxkv, t3.Δxkv)
δbtail.ForgetPast(t0.At) vδT_at0 := forget(t0.At)
assertΔTtail(t.T, "forget ≤ at0", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), t1.Δxkv, t2.Δxkv, t3.Δxkv) assertΔTtail(t.T, "forget ≤ at0", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), t1.Δxkv, t2.Δxkv, t3.Δxkv)
δbtail.ForgetPast(t1.At) vδT_at1 := forget(t1.At)
assertΔTtail(t.T, "forget ≤ at1", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), t2.Δxkv, t3.Δxkv) assertΔTtail(t.T, "forget ≤ at1", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), t2.Δxkv, t3.Δxkv)
δbtail.ForgetPast(t3.At) _ = forget(t3.At)
assertΔTtail(t.T, "forget ≤ at3", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), ) assertΔTtail(t.T, "forget ≤ at3", δbtail, t3, t.Root(), )
// XXX verify no aliasing // verify aliasing: init/at0 should be aliased, because there is no change @at0
// at1 must be unaliased from at0; at3 must be unualiased from at1.
vδT_at0[2].Rev = 0
if vδT_init[2].Rev != 0 {
t.Errorf("ForgetPast(at0) cloned vδT but should not")
if vδT_at1[1].Rev == 0 {
t.Errorf("ForgetPast(at1) remained vδT aliased but should not")
} }
func TestΔBtailGetAt(t_ *testing.T) { func TestΔBtailGetAt(t_ *testing.T) {
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