Commit 0d216b9f authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 98e4be92
......@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ def test_bigfile_empty():
# we wrote "hello world" after hole'th block, but size is always mutiple of blksize.
fsize = (hole + 1)*blksize
st = os.stat(fpath + "/head/data")
st = os.stat(fpath)
assert st.st_size == fsize
#assert st.st_mtime == tidtime(tidlast) FIXME proper sync
assert readfile(fpath + "/head/at") == tidlast.encode("hex")
assert readfile(head + "/at") == tidlast.encode("hex")
data = readfile(fpath + "/head/data")
data = readfile(fpath)
assert len(data) == fsize
for i in range(hole):
assert data[i*blksize:(i+1)*blksize] == b'\0'*blksize
......@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ func (zb *zBlkBase) bindZFile(zfile *ZBigFile, blk int64) {
blkmap, ok := zb.inzfile[zfile]
if !ok {
blkmap = make(SetI64, 1)
if zb.inzfile == nil {
zb.inzfile = make(map[*ZBigFile]SetI64)
zb.inzfile[zfile] = blkmap
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