Commit 0eba9861 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 60e40e1c
......@@ -1513,7 +1513,9 @@ func (wlink *WatchLink) setupWatch(ctx context.Context, foid zodb.Oid, at zodb.T
w := wlink.byfile[foid] // XXX locking
if w == nil {
// watch was not previously established - set it up anew
f := bfdir.fileTab[foid] // XXX locking
f := bfdir.fileTab[foid]
if f == nil {
// by "invalidation protocol" watch is setup after data file was opened
return fmt.Errorf("file not yet known to wcfs or is not a ZBigFile")
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