Commit 0fe4c62b authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 0a1d159b
......@@ -20,6 +20,55 @@
package main
// XXX -> Package xbtree complements package
// TODO move -> btree when ΔTail matures.
// XXX doc
// δ(BTree) notes
// ==============
// input: BTree, (@new, []oid) -> find out δ(BTree) i.e. {-k(v), +k'(v'), ...}
// - oid ∈ Bucket
// - oid ∈ BTree
// Bucket:
// old = {k -> v}
// new = {k' -> v'}
// Δ = -k(v), +k(v), ...
// => for all buckets
// Δ accumulates to []δk(v)[n+,n-] n+ ∈ {0,1}, n- ∈ {0,1}, if n+=n- - cancel
// BTree:
// old = {k -> B} or {k -> T}
// new = {k' -> B'} or {k' -> T'}
// Δ = -k(B), +k(B), -k(T), +K(T), ...
// we translate (in top-down order):
// k(B) -> {} of k(v)
// k(T) -> {} of k(B) -> {} of k(v)
// which gives
// Δ = k(v), +k(v), ...
// i.e. exactly as for buckets and it accumulates to global Δ.
// The globally-accumulated Δ is the answer for δ(BTree, (@new, []oid))
// top-down order is obtained via toposort({oid}) wrt visited PathSet.
// δ(BTree) in wcfs context:
// . -k(blk) -> invalidate #blk
// . +k(blk) -> invalidate #blk (e.g. if blk was previously read as hole)
//go:generate ./gen-set main Oid Oid zset_oid.go
......@@ -976,53 +1025,6 @@ func (δBtail *ΔBtail) SliceByRootRev(root *Tree, lo, hi zodb.Tid) /*readonly*/
// δ(BTree) notes
// ==============
// input: BTree, (@new, []oid) -> find out δ(BTree) i.e. {-k(v), +k'(v'), ...}
// - oid ∈ Bucket
// - oid ∈ BTree
// Bucket:
// old = {k -> v}
// new = {k' -> v'}
// Δ = -k(v), +k(v), ...
// => for all buckets
// Δ accumulates to []δk(v)[n+,n-] n+ ∈ {0,1}, n- ∈ {0,1}, if n+=n- - cancel
// BTree:
// old = {k -> B} or {k -> T}
// new = {k' -> B'} or {k' -> T'}
// Δ = -k(B), +k(B), -k(T), +K(T), ...
// we translate (in top-down order):
// k(B) -> {} of k(v)
// k(T) -> {} of k(B) -> {} of k(v)
// which gives
// Δ = k(v), +k(v), ...
// i.e. exactly as for buckets and it accumulates to global Δ.
// The globally-accumulated Δ is the answer for δ(BTree, (@new, []oid))
// top-down order is obtained via toposort({oid}) wrt visited PathSet.
// δ(BTree) in wcfs context:
// . -k(blk) -> invalidate #blk
// . +k(blk) -> invalidate #blk (e.g. if blk was previously read as hole)
// ---- misc ----
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