Commit 26b6477d authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent c990d511
package main
conn.objmu.Lock() // XXX -> rlock
objentry := conn.objtab[oid]
// someone else is already loading the object.
// we have to wait for that someone to finish the load.
if load, ok := objentry.(*loadInProgress); ok {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err() // XXX err ctx
case <-load.ready:
// XXX check pyclass match
return load.pyobj, load.err
// noone else is loading the object. Investigate whether it is simply not
// in objtab, or it is lost weakref, and if so we have to initiate the load.
var xobj interface{}
if objentry != nil {
wobj := objentry.(*WeakRef)
xobj = wobj.Get()
if xpyobj != nil {
// the object is already there
return xpyobj, nil // XXX + activate?
// the object is not there, we have to (re)load it.
load := &loadInProgress{ready: make(chan struct)}
conn.objTab[oid] = load
pyobj, err = conn.loadpy(ctx, oid)
load.pyobj = pyobj
load.err = err
// replace objtab entry with WeakRef
defer conn.objmu.Unlock()
if x := conn.objtab[oid]; x != load {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("zodb.Conn: objtab[%s]: load finished, but it is: %#v", oid, x)
if err != nil {
// it was loading error - remove the entry not to cause uncontrolled objtab growth.
// if this object is accessed next time - the load will be retried.
} else {
conn.objtab[oid] = NewWeakRef(pyobj)
objentry := conn.objtab[oid]
// someone else is already loading the object.
// we have to wait for that someone to finish the load.
if load, ok := objentry.(*loadInProgress); ok {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err() // XXX err ctx
case <-load.ready:
// XXX check pyclass match
return load.pyobj, err
// noone else is loading the object. Investigate whether it is simply not
// in objtab, or it is lost weakref, and if so we have to initiate the load.
var xobj interface{}
if objentry != nil {
wobj := objentry.(*WeakRef)
xobj = wobj.Get()
if xpyobj != nil {
// the object is already there
return xpyobj, nil // XXX + activate?
// the object is not there, we have to (re)load it.
load := &loadInProgress{ready: make(chan struct)}
conn.objTab[oid] = load
pyobj, err = conn.loadpy(ctx, oid)
load.pyobj = pyobj
load.err = err
// replace objtab entry with WeakRef
defer conn.objmu.Unlock()
if x := conn.objtab[oid]; x != load {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("zodb.Conn: objtab[%s]: load finished, but it is: %#v", oid, x)
if err != nil {
// it was loading error - remove the entry not to cause uncontrolled objtab growth.
// if this object is accessed next time - the load will be retried.
} else {
conn.objtab[oid] = NewWeakRef(pyobj)
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