Commit 2c94dbd0 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 4bc654d8
......@@ -55,10 +55,14 @@ namespace os {
// os::File mimics os.File from Go.
// its operations return error with full file context.
struct File {
int fd;
string path;
class File {
int _fd;
string _path;
// XXX empty ctor -> fd=-1, path=?
int fd();
string name();
error close();
error stat(struct stat *st);
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ struct WCFS {
Conn *connect(Tid at);
string _path(const string &obj);
tuple<os::File, error> _open(const string &path /*, XXX mode*/);
tuple<os::File, error> _open(const string &path, int mode=O_RDONLY);
// Conn represents logical connection that provides view of data on wcfs
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ string WCFS::_path(const string &obj) {
return wc->mountpoint + "/" + obj;
tuple<os::File, error> WCFS::_open(const string &path, int flags=O_RDONLY) {
tuple<os::File, error> WCFS::_open(const string &path, int flags) {
WCFS *wc = this;
string path_ = wc->_path(path);
return os::open(path_, flags);
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