Commit 35bbf9b9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 7a7c9756
......@@ -680,27 +680,11 @@ ABcov:
if nc := at.nchild; nc != 0 {
δtrack.δnchildNonLeafs[acOid] = nc
// XXX debugDiff δtrack [) ...
// adjust δtkeycov only if it was leaf bucket
if nc := at.nchild; nc == 0 {
ar := KeyRange{ac.lo, ac.hi_}
br := KeyRange{bc.lo, bc.hi_}
// XXX remove KKK vvv
debugfDiff(" δtrack - %s %v KKK\n", ar, apath)
debugfDiff(" δtrack + %s %v KKK\n", br, bpath)
// continue
......@@ -808,9 +808,9 @@ func xverifyΔBTail_Update1(t *testing.T, subj string, db *zodb.DB, treeRoot zod
δB1, err := δbtail_._Update1(δZ); X(err) // XXX don't compute treediff twice
// assert tkeyCov1 ⊂ tkeyCov2
x := tkeyCov1.Difference(tkeyCov2)
if !x.Empty() {
t.Errorf("BUG: tkeyCov1 ⊄ tkeyCov2:\n\ttkeyCov1: %s\n\ttkeyCov2: %s\n\ttkeyCov1 \\ tkeyCov2: %s", tkeyCov1, tkeyCov2, x)
dkeycov12 := tkeyCov1.Difference(tkeyCov2)
if !dkeycov12.Empty() {
t.Errorf("BUG: tkeyCov1 ⊄ tkeyCov2:\n\ttkeyCov1: %s\n\ttkeyCov2: %s\n\ttkeyCov1 \\ tkeyCov2: %s", tkeyCov1, tkeyCov2, dkeycov12)
// assert δtkeycov == δ(tkeyCov1, tkeyCov2)
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