Commit 45ce369a authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 8402f4c3
......@@ -19,7 +19,29 @@
package xbtree
// tests for δbtail.go
// XXX doc (2 ways of testing: explicit + allstructs), treegen py helper
// This are the main tests for ΔBtail functionality. There are two primary testing concerns:
// 1) to verify treediff algorithm, and
// 2) to verify how ΔTtail rebuilds its history entries when set of tracked keys
// grow upon either new Track requests, or upon Update that turned out to
// trigger such growth of set of tracked keys.
// TestΔBTail*/Update and TestΔBTail*/rebuild exercise points "1" and "2" correspondingly.
// There are 2 testing approaches:
// a) transition a BTree in ZODB through particular tricky tree topologies
// and feed ΔBtail through created database transactions.
// b) transition a BTree in ZODB through random tree topologies and feed
// ΔBtail through created database transactions.
// TestΔBTail and TestΔBTailAllStructs implement approaches "a" and "b" correspondingly.
// testprog/ is used as helper to both:
// - commit a particular BTree topology into ZODB, and
// - to generate set of random tree topologies that all correspond to particular {k->v} dict.
import (
......@@ -47,8 +69,6 @@ import (
// XXX move infrastructure -> δbtail_treegen_test.go ?
// TreeGenSrv represents connection to running `treegen ...` server.
type TreeGenSrv struct {
argv []string
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