Commit 52bc8503 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 8dc103eb
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
from golang cimport chan, structZ, string, error, refptr, pychan
from golang cimport context
from golang import context as pycontext
from libcpp cimport nullptr_t, nullptr as nil
from libcpp.utility cimport pair
......@@ -129,7 +130,14 @@ cdef class PyWatchLink:
if err.eq(EOF):
return None
if err != nil:
# XXX -> common place? support for other errors? is it good idea?
if err.eq(context.canceled):
raise pycontext.canceled
if err.eq(context.deadlineExceeded):
raise pycontext.deadlineExceeded
raise RuntimeError(err.Error()) # XXX exc class?
cdef PyPinReq pyreq = PyPinReq.__new__(PyPinReq)
......@@ -142,9 +150,13 @@ cdef class PyWatchLink:
reply = _.first
err = _.second
#printf("pyxsendReq: reply='%s'\n", reply.c_str())
if err != nil:
# XXX -> common place? support for other errors? is it good idea?
if err.eq(context.canceled):
raise pycontext.canceled
if err.eq(context.deadlineExceeded):
raise pycontext.deadlineExceeded
raise RuntimeError(err.Error()) # XXX -> Xpy(err) ? pyraiseIf(err) ?
#printf("pyxsendReq: reply -> ok\n")
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ from golang import context, sync, time
from zodbtools.util import ashex as h, fromhex
import pytest; xfail = pytest.mark.xfail
from pytest import raises, fail
from six import reraise
#from six import reraise
from .internal import io, mm
from .internal._wcfs import _tpywlinkwrite as _twlinkwrite
from .internal.wcfs_test import _tDB, read_nogil, install_sigbus_trap, fadvise_dontneed
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class DF:
dF.byfile = {}
# DFile represents a change to one file.
# it is is similar to ΔFile in wcfs.go .
# it is similar to ΔFile in wcfs.go .
class DFile:
# .rev tid
# .ddata {} blk -> data
......@@ -951,7 +951,8 @@ def doCheckingPin(f, pinokByWLink, pinfunc=None): # -> []event(str)
except Exception as e:
if e is context.canceled:
return # cancel is expected after f completes
reraise(e, None, e.__traceback__)
#reraise(e, None, e.__traceback__)
fail("extra pin message received: %r" % req.msg)
wg.go(_, wlink, zf, pinok)
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