Commit 96a804b6 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 5da740cd
......@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ static PyObject *pybuf_str;
// waiting for numpy to start accept it on python2
/* whether to use PyThreadState->exc_state,exc_info instead of
* PyThreadState->exc_type & friends.
* Starting from Python 3.7 the place to keep exception state was changed:
* */
* python representation of VMA - exposes vma memory as python buffer
......@@ -548,8 +555,12 @@ static int pybigfile_loadblk(BigFile *file, blk_t blk, void *buf)
PyGILState_STATE gstate;
PyThreadState *ts;
PyFrameObject *ts_frame_orig;
PyObject *exc_type, *exc_value, *exc_traceback;
PyObject *save_curexc_type, *save_curexc_value, *save_curexc_traceback;
PyObject *save_exc_type, *save_exc_value, *save_exc_traceback;
_PyErr_StackItem *save_exc_info;
PyObject *save_async_exc;
// XXX save/restore trash_delete_{nesting,later} ?
......@@ -599,9 +610,20 @@ static int pybigfile_loadblk(BigFile *file, blk_t blk, void *buf)
XINC( save_curexc_type = set0(&ts->curexc_type) );
XINC( save_curexc_value = set0(&ts->curexc_value) );
XINC( save_curexc_traceback = set0(&ts->curexc_traceback) );
XINC( save_exc_type = set0(&ts->exc_state.exc_type) );
XINC( save_exc_value = set0(&ts->exc_state.exc_value) );
XINC( save_exc_traceback = set0(&ts->exc_state.exc_traceback) );
save_exc_info = ts->exc_info;
ts->exc_info = &ts->exc_state;
BUG_ON(ts->exc_state.previous_item != NULL);
XINC( save_exc_type = set0(&ts->exc_type) );
XINC( save_exc_value = set0(&ts->exc_value) );
XINC( save_exc_traceback = set0(&ts->exc_traceback) );
XINC( save_async_exc = set0(&ts->async_exc) );
/* before py3k python also stores exception in sys.exc_* variables (wrt
......@@ -802,25 +824,49 @@ out:
BUG_ON(ts->curexc_type || ts->curexc_value || ts->curexc_traceback);
if (ts->exc_type) {
if (ts->exc_info != &ts->exc_state) {
WARN("python thread-state found with active generator after loadblk call");
WARN("I will crash"); // TODO dump which generator is still running
exc_type = ts->exc_state.exc_type;
exc_value = ts->exc_state.exc_value;
exc_traceback = ts->exc_state.exc_traceback;
exc_type = ts->exc_type;
exc_value = ts->exc_value;
exc_traceback = ts->exc_traceback;
if (exc_type) {
WARN("python thread-state found with handled but not cleared exception state");
WARN("I will dump it and then crash");
fprintf(stderr, "ts->exc_type:\t"); PyObject_Print(ts->exc_type, stderr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "\nts->exc_value:\t"); PyObject_Print(ts->exc_value, stderr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "\nts->exc_traceback:\t"); PyObject_Print(ts->exc_traceback, stderr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "ts->exc_type:\t"); PyObject_Print(exc_type, stderr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "\nts->exc_value:\t"); PyObject_Print(exc_value, stderr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "\nts->exc_traceback:\t"); PyObject_Print(exc_traceback, stderr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
PyErr_Display(ts->exc_type, ts->exc_value, ts->exc_traceback);
PyErr_Display(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback);
BUG_ON(ts->exc_type || ts->exc_value || ts->exc_traceback);
BUG_ON(exc_type || exc_value || exc_traceback);
/* now restore exception state to original */
ts->curexc_type = save_curexc_type;
ts->curexc_value = save_curexc_value;
ts->curexc_traceback = save_curexc_traceback;
ts->exc_state.exc_type = save_exc_type;
ts->exc_state.exc_value = save_exc_value;
ts->exc_state.exc_traceback = save_exc_traceback;
ts->exc_info = save_exc_info;
BUG_ON(ts->exc_state.previous_item != NULL);
ts->exc_type = save_exc_type;
ts->exc_value = save_exc_value;
ts->exc_traceback = save_exc_traceback;
ts->async_exc = save_async_exc;
Py_XDECREF( save_curexc_type );
......@@ -1178,9 +1224,17 @@ XPyErr_FullClear(void)
x_curexc_type = set0(&ts->curexc_type);
x_curexc_value = set0(&ts->curexc_value);
x_curexc_traceback = set0(&ts->curexc_traceback);
/* NOTE clearing top-level exc_state; if there is an active generator
* spawned - its exc state is preserved. */
x_exc_type = set0(&ts->exc_state.exc_type);
x_exc_value = set0(&ts->exc_state.exc_value);
x_exc_traceback = set0(&ts->exc_state.exc_traceback);
x_exc_type = set0(&ts->exc_type);
x_exc_value = set0(&ts->exc_value);
x_exc_traceback = set0(&ts->exc_traceback);
x_async_exc = set0(&ts->async_exc);
# wendelin.core | tox setup
envlist = py27-{ZODB3,ZODB4,ZODB5}-{zblk0,zblk1}-{fs,zeo,neo}-{numpy113,numpy114}-{!wcfs,wcfs:1,wcfs}, {py35,py36}-{ZODB4,ZODB5}-{zblk0,zblk1}-{fs,zeo}-{numpy113,numpy114}-{!wcfs,wcfs:1,wcfs}
envlist = py27-{ZODB3,ZODB4,ZODB5}-{zblk0,zblk1}-{fs,zeo,neo}-{numpy113,numpy114}-{!wcfs,wcfs:1,wcfs}, {py36,py37}-{ZODB4,ZODB5}-{zblk0,zblk1}-{fs,zeo}-{numpy113,numpy114}-{!wcfs,wcfs:1,wcfs}
# (NOTE ZODB3 does not work on python3)
# (NOTE NEO does not work on python3 at all)
# (XXX ZODB5-*-neo are currently failing)
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