Commit d6aae7ec authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent dea85e87
......@@ -1273,31 +1273,19 @@ func (δBtail *ΔBtail) GetAt(root zodb.Oid, key Key, at zodb.Tid) (value Value,
panicf("at out of bounds: at: @%s, (tail, head] = (@%s, @%s]", at, tail, head)
// // XXX locking
value = VDEL
valueExact = false
rev = tail
revExact = false
// retrieve vδT snapshot that is rebuilt to take Track(key) requests
vδT, err := δBtail.vδTSnapForTrackedKey(root, key)
// // XXX need to rebuild only if key was not rebuilt yet
// // XXX need to rebuild only for key, not for whole trackNew
// err = δBtail.rebuild1KeyIfNeeded(root, key) XXX reenable
// err = δBtail.rebuild1IfNeeded(root)
if err != nil {
return value, rev, valueExact, revExact, err
debugfΔBtail(" vδT: %v\n", vδT)
// δTtail := δBtail.byRoot[root]
// if δTtail == nil {
// panicf("δBtail: root<%s> not tracked", root)
// }
// vδT := δTtail.vδT
// TODO key not tracked -> panic (check key ∈ lastRevOf -- see vvv)
// TODO -> index lastRevOf(key) | linear scan ↓ looking for change ≤ at
for i := len(vδT)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
δT := vδT[i]
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