Commit dac4dbb0 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent f280a3b7
......@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ from wendelin.bigfile.file_zodb import ZBlk0, ZBlk1, ZBigFile
from numpy import arange
import os, os.path, transaction
import zodbtools.test.gen_testdata # to make time predictable
from zodbtools.test.gen_testdata import run_with_zodb3py2_compat
blksize = 2*1024*1024 # XXX hardcoded
blksize32 = blksize // 4
......@@ -34,8 +37,9 @@ def rm_f(path):
def main():
import zodbtools.test.gen_testdata # to make time predictable (XXX)
def main2():
outfs = "testdata/zblk.fs"
rm_f(outfs + ".index")
......@@ -64,13 +68,14 @@ def main():
print >>f, v
emit("// Code generated by %s; DO NOT EDIT." % __file__)
emit("package main\n")
emit('import ""\n')
emit("const blksize = %s" % blksize)
emit("const z0_oid = %s" % u64(z0._p_oid))
emit("const z0_rev = %s" % u64(z0._p_serial))
emit("const z1_oid = %s" % u64(z1._p_oid))
emit("const z1_rev = %s" % u64(z1._p_serial))
emit("const zf_oid = %s" % u64(zf._p_oid))
emit("const z0_rev = zodb.Tid(0x%x)" % u64(z0._p_serial))
emit("const z1_rev = zodb.Tid(0x%x)" % u64(z1._p_serial))
// Code generated by ./testdata/; DO NOT EDIT.
package main
import ""
const blksize = 2097152
const z0_oid = 2
const z1_oid = 3
const zf_oid = 1
const z0_rev = zodb.Tid(0x285cbac3851eb99)
const z1_rev = zodb.Tid(0x285cbac3851eb99)
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