Commit 2ba7cb52 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X bigfile/_file_zodb: Import wendelin.wcfs, not just wcfs

Else, when runing tests intree `import wcfs` and `import wendelin.wcfs`
will give two different modules, and inspecting e.g. wendelin.wcfs at
teardown will see fresh module state (_wcregistry) because it was wcfs
which was used.

Also just `import wcfs` will raise ImportError when run out of tree.
parent 0ed6b8b6
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ cdef extern from * nogil:
const bigfile_ops ZBigFile_mmap_ops
import wcfs as pywcfs
from wendelin import wcfs as pywcfs
from wendelin.lib import zodb as pyzodb
from wcfs.client cimport _wcfs as wcfs
from wendelin.wcfs.client cimport _wcfs as wcfs
from golang cimport error, nil, pyerror
from cpython cimport PyCapsule_New
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