Commit f60528c9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X ΔBtail.Clone had bug that it was aliasing klon and orig data

Rebuild tests were "surprisingly" failing when run as part of whole
testsuite, but succeeding when run separately.
parent 450ba707
......@@ -188,23 +188,18 @@ func (orig *ΔBtail) Clone() *ΔBtail {
// vδBroots
klon.vδBroots = append(klon.vδBroots, orig.vδBroots...)
for _, origδBroots := range orig.vδBroots {
klonδBroots := ΔBroots{
Rev: origδBroots.Rev,
ΔRoots: origδBroots.ΔRoots.Clone(),
klon.vδBroots = append(klon.vδBroots, klonδBroots)
// vδTbyRoot
klon.vδTbyRoot = make(map[zodb.Oid]*ΔTtail, len(orig.vδTbyRoot))
for root, origΔTtail := range orig.vδTbyRoot {
klonΔTtail := &ΔTtail{}
klonΔTtail.vδT = append(klonΔTtail.vδT, origΔTtail.vδT...)
klonΔTtail.trackNew = origΔTtail.trackNew.Clone()
klonΔTtail.KVAtTail = make(map[Key]Value, len(origΔTtail.KVAtTail))
for k, v := range origΔTtail.KVAtTail {
klonΔTtail.KVAtTail[k] = v
klonΔTtail.lastRevOf = make(map[Key]zodb.Tid, len(origΔTtail.lastRevOf))
for k, rev := range origΔTtail.lastRevOf {
klonΔTtail.lastRevOf[k] = rev
klon.vδTbyRoot[root] = klonΔTtail
klon.vδTbyRoot[root] = origΔTtail.Clone()
// trackSet, trackNewRoots
......@@ -214,6 +209,31 @@ func (orig *ΔBtail) Clone() *ΔBtail {
return klon
// Clone returns copy of ΔTtail.
func (orig *ΔTtail) Clone() *ΔTtail {
klon := &ΔTtail{}
for _, origδT := range orig.vδT {
klonδT := ΔTree{
Rev: origδT.Rev,
ΔKV: make(map[Key]ΔValue, len(origδT.ΔKV)),
for k, δv := range origδT.ΔKV {
klonδT.ΔKV[k] = δv
klon.vδT = append(klon.vδT, klonδT)
klon.trackNew = orig.trackNew.Clone()
klon.KVAtTail = make(map[Key]Value, len(orig.KVAtTail))
for k, v := range orig.KVAtTail {
klon.KVAtTail[k] = v
klon.lastRevOf = make(map[Key]zodb.Tid, len(orig.lastRevOf))
for k, rev := range orig.lastRevOf {
klon.lastRevOf[k] = rev
return klon
// (tail, head] coverage
func (δBtail *ΔBtail) Head() zodb.Tid { return δBtail.δZtail.Head() }
func (δBtail *ΔBtail) Tail() zodb.Tid { return δBtail.δZtail.Tail() }
......@@ -929,8 +929,6 @@ func xverifyΔBTail_rebuild(t *testing.T, db *zodb.DB, treeRoot zodb.Oid, t0, t1
// t1 := t2.prev
// t0 := t1.prev
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("rebuild/%s→%s", t0.tree, t1.tree), func(t *testing.T) {
// t.Skip("TODO") // FIXME rebuild is currently broken
tAllKeys := allTestKeys(t0, t1, t2)
tAllKeyv := tAllKeys.SortedElements()
......@@ -945,7 +943,6 @@ func xverifyΔBTail_rebuild(t *testing.T, db *zodb.DB, treeRoot zodb.Oid, t0, t1
fmt.Printf("@%s: %v\n", xat[], t1.xkv.Flatten())
fmt.Printf("@%s: %v\n", xat[], t2.xkv.Flatten())
// kadj01 := KAdj(t0,t1, allTestKeys(t0,t1,t2))
kadj10 := KAdj(t1,t0, allTestKeys(t0,t1,t2))
kadj21 := KAdj(t2,t1, allTestKeys(t0,t1,t2))
kadj12 := KAdj(t1,t2, allTestKeys(t0,t1,t2))
......@@ -1086,6 +1083,10 @@ func xverifyΔBTail_rebuild(t *testing.T, db *zodb.DB, treeRoot zodb.Oid, t0, t1
// after rebuild
/* trackSet=*/ t2.xkv.trackSet(keys12R2),
/*vδT=*/ δkv1_k12R2, δkv2_k12R2)
// ΔBtail.Clone had bug that aliased klon data to orig
assertΔTtail(t, "BUG: after clone check", δbtail, db, t2, treeRoot, xat,
/*vδT=*/ δkv1_k1R2, δkv2_k1R2)
// })
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