• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    zodbcommit: Robustify copy handling · fa00c283
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    When zodbdump input says to copy an object, we first load that object.
    However if object does not exist loadBefore raises POSKeyError, and when
    object at copied-from revision was deleted loadBefore returns None.
    -> Handle that explicitly to provide failure details to the user, so
    that instead of cryptic
        === RUN   TestLoad/δstart=0285cbac75555580
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
            "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
          File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
            exec code in run_globals
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodb.py", line 133, in <module>
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodb.py", line 129, in main
            return command_module.main(argv)
          File "<decorator-gen-6>", line 2, in main
          File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang/golang/__init__.py", line 103, in _
            return f(*argv, **kw)
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbrestore.py", line 94, in main
            zodbrestore(stor, asbinstream(sys.stdin), _)
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbrestore.py", line 43, in zodbrestore
            zodbcommit(stor, at, txn)
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbcommit.py", line 122, in zodbcommit
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbcommit.py", line 91, in _
            data, _, _ = stor.loadBefore(obj.oid, p64(u64(obj.copy_from)+1))
        TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
            xtesting.go:483: /tmp/demo009767458/δ0285cbac75555580/δ.fs: zpyrestore: exit status 1
    it fails with something more understandable:
        === RUN   TestLoad/δstart=0285cbac75555580
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
            "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
          File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
            exec code in run_globals
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodb.py", line 133, in <module>
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodb.py", line 129, in main
            return command_module.main(argv)
          File "<decorator-gen-6>", line 2, in main
          File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang/golang/__init__.py", line 103, in _
            return f(*argv, **kw)
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbrestore.py", line 94, in main
            zodbrestore(stor, asbinstream(sys.stdin), _)
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbrestore.py", line 43, in zodbrestore
            zodbcommit(stor, at, txn)
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbcommit.py", line 129, in zodbcommit
          File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/z/zodbtools/zodbtools/zodbcommit.py", line 97, in _
            (stor.getName(), ashex(obj.oid), ashex(obj.copy_from)))
        ValueError: /tmp/demo358030847/δ0285cbac75555580/δ.fs: object 0000000000000003: copy from @0285cbac70a3d733: no data
            xtesting.go:483: /tmp/demo358030847/δ0285cbac75555580/δ.fs: zpyrestore: exit status 1
    For the implementation it would be easier to use loadAt
    (https://github.com/zopefoundation/ZODB/pull/323), but we don't have
    that yet.
    /reviewed-by @jerome
    /reviewed-on nexedi/zodbtools!20
zodbcommit.py 8.33 KB