Commit 1e3a47e3 authored by Steve Piercy's avatar Steve Piercy


parent 7c99d5aa
# Contributing
All projects under the Pylons Project, including this one, follow the guidelines established at [How to Contribute](, [Coding Style and Standards](, and [Pylons Project Documentation Style Guide](
You can contribute to this project in several ways.
* [File an Issue on GitHub](
* Fork this project, create a new branch, commit your suggested change, and push to your fork on GitHub.
When ready, submit a pull request for consideration.
[GitHub Flow]( describes the workflow process and why it's a good practice.
When submitting a pull request, sign [CONTRIBUTORS.txt]( if you have not yet done so.
* Join the [IRC channel #pyramid on](
## Git Branches
Git branches and their purpose and status at the time of this writing are listed below.
* [master]( - The branch which should always be *deployable*. The default branch on GitHub.
* For development, create a new branch. If changes on your new branch are accepted, they will be merged into the master branch and deployed.
## Prerequisites
Follow the instructions in [README.rst]( to install the tools needed to run the project.
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