Commit 2f02bc90 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

demo: URI resolver

This patch adds `demo:` URI scheme to create DemoStorage from an URI.

While several existing resolvers already handle ?demostorage argument to
wrap itself with DemoStorage and in-RAM MappingStorage for changes, this
approach has the following drawbacks:

- every resolver must do it
- it is not possible to create DemoStorage with non-MappingStorage for changes.

My particular motivation here is Wendelin.core 2: it spawn WCFS
filesystem server to serve array data from ZODB storage, and passes
storage URL to spawned wcfs process, so that wcfs could connect and
retrieve data from the same ZODB storage that client process is
using. When original ERP5 client is using DemoStorage, both `base` and
`changes` must be persisted because if changes would be in-RAM
MappingStorage, WCFS could not access that data because it runs as a
separate process.

To build a DemoStorage URI we follow XRI Cross-references approach to
embed URIs for base and changes into combining demo URI:

    demo:(base_uri)/(δ_uri) provides
some related details and examples.

I choose fragments as the place for ZODB.DB arguments:


The reason fragments - instead of parameters - are used, is because
DB arguments are _local_. Even with different DB arguments the URI
refers to the same storage, and for wendelin.core 2 it is important to
be able to determine whether two client processes actually use the same
underlying ZODB storage, even if those two clients use different local
parameters, like connection_pool_size and similar. Keeping such local
arguments in fragments makes it easy to determine the underlying URI of
the storage - by dropping fragments. It also follows logic from RFC 3986,
which says that "fragment ... may be ... some view on representations of
the primary resource":

Thanks beforehand,

/cc @tseaver, @azmeuk, @jimfulton


It was already suggested several times to add DemoStorageURIResolver and
deprecate ?demostorage in existing URI resolvers:
parent a0d76fec
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ URI Schemes
The URI schemes currently recognized in the ``zodbconn.uri`` setting
are ``file://``, ``zeo://``, ``zconfig://``, ``memory://``
. Documentation for these URI scheme syntaxes are below.
are ``file://``, ``zeo://``, ``zconfig://``, ``memory://`` and ``demo:``.
Documentation for these URI scheme syntaxes are below.
In addition to those schemes, the relstorage_ package adds support for
......@@ -356,6 +356,29 @@ An example that combines a dbname with a query string::
``demo:`` URI scheme
The ``demo:`` URI scheme can be passed as ``zodbconn.uri`` to create a
DemoStorage database factory. DemoStorage provides an overlay combining base
and δ ("delta", or in other words, "changes") storages.
The URI scheme contains two parts, base and δ::
an optional fragment specifies arguments for ``ZODB.DB.DB`` constructor::
An example that combines ZEO with local FileStorage for changes::
More Information
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ setup(name='zodburi',
file = zodburi.resolvers:file_storage_resolver
zconfig = zodburi.resolvers:zconfig_resolver
memory = zodburi.resolvers:mapping_storage_resolver
demo = zodburi.resolvers:demo_storage_resolver
extras_require = {
'testing': testing_extras,
......@@ -8,12 +8,17 @@ def resolve_uri(uri):
returns a storage matching the spec defined in the uri. dbkw is a dict of
keyword arguments that may be passed to ZODB.DB.DB.
factory, dbkw = _resolve_uri(uri)
return factory, _get_dbkw(dbkw)
# _resolve_uri serves resolve_uri: it returns factory and original raw dbkw.
def _resolve_uri(uri):
scheme = uri[:uri.find(':')]
for ep in iter_entry_points('zodburi.resolvers'):
if == scheme:
resolver = ep.load()
factory, dbkw = resolver(uri)
return factory, _get_dbkw(dbkw)
return factory, dbkw
raise KeyError('No resolver found for uri: %s' % uri)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from io import BytesIO
import os
import re
from ZConfig import loadConfig
from ZConfig import loadSchemaFile
......@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ from zodburi.datatypes import convert_int
from zodburi.datatypes import convert_tuple
from zodburi._compat import parse_qsl
from zodburi._compat import urlsplit
from zodburi import _resolve_uri
# Capability test for older Pythons (2.x < 2.7.4, 3.x < 3.2.4)
(scheme, netloc, path, query, frag) = urlsplit('scheme:///path/#frag')
......@@ -205,7 +208,49 @@ class ZConfigURIResolver(object):
return, dbkw
class DemoStorageURIResolver(object):
# demo:(base_uri)/(δ_uri)#dbkw...
# URI format follows XRI Cross-references to refer to base and δ
# (see
_uri_re = re.compile(r'^demo:\((?P<base>.*)\)/\((?P<changes>.*)\)(?P<frag>#.*)?$')
def __call__(self, uri):
def baduri(why):
bad = 'demo: invalid uri %r' % uri
if why:
bad += ": " + why
raise ValueError(bad)
m = self._uri_re.match(uri)
if m is None:
base_uri ='base')
delta_uri ='changes')
basef, base_dbkw = _resolve_uri(base_uri)
if base_dbkw:
baduri('DB arguments in base')
deltaf, delta_dbkw = _resolve_uri(delta_uri)
if delta_dbkw:
baduri('DB arguments in changes')
frag ='frag')
dbkw = {}
if frag:
dbkw = dict(parse_qsl(frag[1:]))
def factory():
base = basef()
delta = deltaf()
return DemoStorage(base=base, changes=delta)
return factory, dbkw
client_storage_resolver = ClientStorageURIResolver()
file_storage_resolver = FileStorageURIResolver()
zconfig_resolver = ZConfigURIResolver()
mapping_storage_resolver = MappingStorageURIResolver()
demo_storage_resolver = DemoStorageURIResolver()
......@@ -600,6 +600,54 @@ class TestMappingStorageURIResolver(Base, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(storage.__name__, 'storagename')
class TestDemoStorageURIResolver(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self):
from zodburi.resolvers import DemoStorageURIResolver
return DemoStorageURIResolver
def _makeOne(self):
klass = self._getTargetClass()
return klass()
def test_fsoverlay(self):
import os.path, tempfile, shutil
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def _():
resolver = self._makeOne()
basef = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'base.fs')
changef = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'changes.fs')
factory, dbkw = resolver('demo:(file://%s)/(file://%s?quota=200)' % (basef, changef))
self.assertEqual(dbkw, {})
demo = factory()
from ZODB.DemoStorage import DemoStorage
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
self.assertTrue(isinstance(demo, DemoStorage))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(demo.base, FileStorage))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(demo.changes, FileStorage))
self.assertEqual(demo.changes._quota, 200)
def test_parse_frag(self):
resolver = self._makeOne()
factory, dbkw = resolver('demo:(memory://111)/(memory://222)#foo=bar&abc=def')
self.assertEqual(dbkw, {'foo': 'bar', 'abc': 'def'})
demo = factory()
from ZODB.DemoStorage import DemoStorage
from ZODB.MappingStorage import MappingStorage
self.assertTrue(isinstance(demo, DemoStorage))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(demo.base, MappingStorage))
self.assertEqual(demo.base.__name__, '111')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(demo.changes, MappingStorage))
self.assertEqual(demo.changes.__name__, '222')
class TestEntryPoints(unittest.TestCase):
def test_it(self):
......@@ -610,6 +658,7 @@ class TestEntryPoints(unittest.TestCase):
('zeo', resolvers.ClientStorageURIResolver),
('file', resolvers.FileStorageURIResolver),
('zconfig', resolvers.ZConfigURIResolver),
('demo', resolvers.DemoStorageURIResolver),
for name, cls in expected:
target = load_entry_point('zodburi', 'zodburi.resolvers', name)
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