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Commit c1ccc3ab authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Add 'does' to the closed-class words list in naming convention checking script.

parent 2d1cc3db
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ CLOSED_CLASS_WORD_LIST = """\n
a about above across after against aged all along alongside already although\n
amid among amongst an and another any anybody anyone anything are around as\n
at be because been before behind below beneath beside between beyond both but\n
by concerning could despite did do down during each either enough every\n
by concerning could despite did do does down during each either enough every\n
everybody everyone everything except few fewer following for former from\n
goodbye half has have he her hers herself him himself his if in including\n
inside instead into is it its itself latter less like little lots many me\n
2013-06-19 arnaud.fontaine
* Add 'does' to the closed-class words list in naming convention checking script.
2012-10-19 yusei
* Redirect to view form with a nice message if selected workflow action is not available. To show a workflow dialog which absolutely fail is not good.
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