Commit d63c4d4f authored by Gabriel Monnerat's avatar Gabriel Monnerat
Browse files

Change test add one critetion to filter by validation_state instead of use...

Change test add one critetion to filter by validation_state instead of use reference hardcoded. Also, the test predicate returns False when this criterion does not match
parent df727050
......@@ -473,9 +473,9 @@ class TestCRM(BaseTestCRM):
person_domain = base_domain.newContent(portal_type="Domain",
title="All Customers")
person_domain.setCriterionPropertyList(['portal_type', 'reference'])
person_domain.setCriterionPropertyList(['portal_type', 'validation_state'])
person_domain.setCriterion('portal_type', identity=['Person'])
person_domain.setCriterion('reference', identity=['!= sender'])
person_domain.setCriterion('validation_state', identity=['validated'])
organisation_domain = base_domain.newContent(portal_type="Domain",
title="All Organisations")
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