Commit 2a04f49b authored by Sean Mackrory's avatar Sean Mackrory

Using the vm_name parameter to name OVA/OVF files and their attachments

parent 48a53446
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (s *stepExport) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
// Export the VM to an OVF
outputPath := filepath.Join(config.OutputDir, "packer."+config.Format)
outputPath := filepath.Join(config.OutputDir, vmName+"."+config.Format)
command = []string{
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Optional:
By default this is ".vbox_version", which will generally upload it into
the home directory.
* `vm_name` (string) - This is the name of the VMX file for the new virtual
* `vm_name` (string) - This is the name of the OVF file for the new virtual
machine, without the file extension. By default this is "packer-BUILDNAME",
where "BUILDNAME" is the name of the build.
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