Commit 43db2c23 authored by Geoffrey Bachelet's avatar Geoffrey Bachelet

provisioner/shell: execute script directly instead of using /bin/sh

parent 2a7b3710
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func (p *Provisioner) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error {
if p.config.ExecuteCommand == "" {
p.config.ExecuteCommand = "{{.Vars}} sh {{.Path}}"
p.config.ExecuteCommand = "chmod +x {{.Path}}; {{.Vars}} {{.Path}}"
if p.config.Inline != nil && len(p.config.Inline) == 0 {
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Optional parameters:
* `execute_command` (string) - The command to use to execute the script.
By default this is `{{ .Vars }} sh {{ .Path }}`. The value of this is
By default this is `chmod +x {{ .Path }}; {{ .Vars }} {{ .Path }}`. The value of this is
treated as [configuration template](/docs/templates/configuration-
templates.html). There are two available variables: `Path`, which is
the path to the script to run, and `Vars`, which is the list of
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