Commit 88f60f5c authored by Xiaowu Zhang's avatar Xiaowu Zhang

erp5_accounting: round also asset price

parent 11077f97
......@@ -9,21 +9,9 @@ What is expected with this script:
- In reality we probably also want that amount on vat line match invoice vat
amount, but we have ignored this.
precision = context.getQuantityPrecisionFromResource(context.getResource())
resource = context.getResourceValue()
line = None
total_quantity = 0.0
line_list = context.getMovementList(
for line in line_list:
line_quantity = round(line.getQuantity(), precision)
total_quantity += line_quantity
# If no "line" found (eg no SIT line), then do nothing. This is in the case where a SIT
# has only Invoice Line and no SIT Line. Otherwise account_type_dict will be empty =>
# asset_line = None => the assert below will fail because getTotalPrice() will returns the
......@@ -31,28 +19,26 @@ for line in line_list:
if not line_list:
abs_total_quantity = abs(round(total_quantity, precision))
# The total quantity should be zero with a little error, if simulation has been
# completely applied, because the debit and the credit must be balanced. However,
# this is not the case, if the delivery is divergent, as the builder does not
# adopt prevision automatically, when a conflict happens between the simulation
# and user-entered values.
if abs_total_quantity > 2 * resource.getBaseUnitQuantity():
total_price = round(context.getTotalPrice(), precision)
account_type_dict = {}
source_exchange_ratio = None
destination_exchange_ratio = None
for line in line_list:
if not destination_exchange_ratio and line.getDestinationTotalAssetPrice():
destination_exchange_ratio = line.getDestinationTotalAssetPrice() / line.getQuantity()
if not source_exchange_ratio and line.getSourceTotalAssetPrice():
source_exchange_ratio = line.getSourceTotalAssetPrice() / line.getQuantity()
for account in (line.getSourceValue(portal_type='Account'),
account_type_dict.setdefault(line, set()).add(
account is not None and account.getAccountTypeValue() or None)
# find asset line which will be used later
account_type = context.getPortalObject().portal_categories.account_type
receivable_type = account_type.asset.receivable
payable_type = account_type.liability.payable
line_to_adjust = None
asset_line = None
for line, account_type_list in account_type_dict.iteritems():
......@@ -62,20 +48,39 @@ for line, account_type_list in account_type_dict.iteritems():
asset_line = line
if not asset_line:
def roundLine(resource, get_method, set_method, exchange_ratio):
precision = context.getQuantityPrecisionFromResource(resource)
total_quantity = 0.0
for line in line_list:
line_quantity = round(getattr(line, get_method)(), precision)
getattr(line, set_method)(line_quantity)
total_quantity += line_quantity
abs_total_quantity = abs(round(total_quantity, precision))
# The total quantity should be zero with a little error, if simulation has been
# completely applied, because the debit and the credit must be balanced. However,
# this is not the case, if the delivery is divergent, as the builder does not
# adopt prevision automatically, when a conflict happens between the simulation
# and user-entered values.
if abs_total_quantity > 2 * context.restrictedTraverse(resource).getBaseUnitQuantity():
total_price = round(context.getTotalPrice() * exchange_ratio, precision)
if not asset_line:
assert total_price == 0.0 and total_quantity == 0.0, \
'receivable or payable line not found.'
# If we have a difference between total credit and total debit, one line is
# chosen to add or remove this difference. The payable or receivable is chosen
# only if this line is not matching with invoice total price, because total price
# comes from all invoice lines (quantity * price) and it is what should be payed.
# And payable or receivable line is the record in the accounting of what has
# to be payed. Then, we must not touch it when it already matches.
# If is not a payable or receivable, vat or other line (ie. income) is used.
if abs_total_quantity != 0:
if round(abs(asset_line.getQuantity()), precision) != round(abs(context.getTotalPrice()), precision):
# If we have a difference between total credit and total debit, one line is
# chosen to add or remove this difference. The payable or receivable is chosen
# only if this line is not matching with invoice total price, because total price
# comes from all invoice lines (quantity * price) and it is what should be payed.
# And payable or receivable line is the record in the accounting of what has
# to be payed. Then, we must not touch it when it already matches.
# If is not a payable or receivable, vat or other line (ie. income) is used.
line_to_adjust = None
if abs_total_quantity != 0:
if round(abs(getattr(asset_line, get_method)()), precision) != round(abs(context.getTotalPrice()) * exchange_ratio, precision):
# adjust payable or receivable
for line in line_list:
if receivable_type in account_type_dict[line] or \
......@@ -97,6 +102,20 @@ if abs_total_quantity != 0:
line_to_adjust = line
if line_to_adjust is not None:
round(line_to_adjust.getQuantity() - total_quantity, precision))
if line_to_adjust is not None:
getattr(line_to_adjust, set_method)(
round(getattr(line_to_adjust, get_method)() - total_quantity, precision))
resource = context.getResource()
# Round Debit/credit
roundLine(resource, 'getQuantity', 'setQuantity', 1)
# Round source asset price
if source_exchange_ratio:
source_section_price_currency = context.getSourceSectionValue().getPriceCurrency()
roundLine(source_section_price_currency, 'getSourceTotalAssetPrice', 'setSourceTotalAssetPrice', source_exchange_ratio)
# Round destination asset price
if destination_exchange_ratio:
destination_section_price_currency = context.getDestinationSectionValue().getPriceCurrency()
roundLine(destination_section_price_currency, 'getDestinationTotalAssetPrice', 'setDestinationTotalAssetPrice', destination_exchange_ratio)
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