Commit ba6e6956 authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

UnionFs: use ioutil.WriteFile in tests.

parent 844c2d15
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func filePathHash(path string) string {
Implementation notes.
* It piggybacks on the existing LoopbackFileSystem in Go-fuse, so we
* It piggybacks on the existing LoopbackFileSystem in Go-FUSE, so we
don't have to translate back and forth between Go's and FUSE's API.
* Deleting a file will put a file named
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package unionfs
import (
......@@ -48,20 +49,9 @@ func setup(t *testing.T) (workdir string, state *fuse.MountState) {
return wd, state
func writeToFile(path string, contents string, create bool) {
var flags int = os.O_WRONLY
if create {
flags |= os.O_CREATE
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, flags, 0644)
_, err = f.Write([]byte(contents))
err = f.Close()
func writeToFile(path string, contents string) {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(contents), 0644)
func readFromFile(path string) string {
......@@ -150,7 +140,7 @@ func TestChmod(t *testing.T) {
ro_fn := wd+"/ro/file"
m_fn := wd+"/mount/file"
writeToFile(ro_fn, "a", true)
writeToFile(ro_fn, "a")
err := os.Chmod(m_fn, 07070)
......@@ -169,9 +159,9 @@ func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
wd, state := setup(t)
defer state.Unmount()
writeToFile(wd+"/rw/rw", "a", true)
writeToFile(wd+"/ro/ro1", "a", true)
writeToFile(wd+"/ro/ro2", "b", true)
writeToFile(wd+"/rw/rw", "a")
writeToFile(wd+"/ro/ro1", "a")
writeToFile(wd+"/ro/ro2", "b")
names := dirNames(wd + "/mount")
expected := map[string]bool{
......@@ -179,7 +169,7 @@ func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
checkMapEq(t, names, expected)
writeToFile(wd+"/mount/new", "new contents", true)
writeToFile(wd+"/mount/new", "new contents")
if !fileExists(wd + "/rw/new") {
t.Errorf("missing file in rw layer", names)
......@@ -188,7 +178,7 @@ func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("read mismatch.")
writeToFile(wd+"/mount/ro1", "promote me", false)
writeToFile(wd+"/mount/ro1", "promote me")
if !fileExists(wd + "/rw/ro1") {
t.Errorf("missing file in rw layer", names)
......@@ -232,8 +222,8 @@ func TestPromote(t *testing.T) {
err := os.Mkdir(wd + "/ro/subdir", 0755)
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/subdir/file", "content", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/mount/subdir/file", "other-content", false)
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/subdir/file", "content")
writeToFile(wd + "/mount/subdir/file", "other-content")
func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -242,7 +232,7 @@ func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
err := os.MkdirAll(wd + "/ro/subdir/sub2", 0755)
writeToFile(wd + "/mount/subdir/sub2/file", "other-content", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/mount/subdir/sub2/file", "other-content")
_, err = os.Lstat(wd + "/mount/subdir/sub2/file")
......@@ -251,10 +241,10 @@ func TestOpenUndeletes(t *testing.T) {
wd, state := setup(t)
defer state.Unmount()
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/file", "X", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/file", "X")
err := os.Remove(wd + "/mount/file")
writeToFile(wd + "/mount/file", "X", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/mount/file", "X")
_, err = os.Lstat(wd + "/mount/file")
......@@ -292,16 +282,16 @@ func TestRename(t *testing.T) {
t.Log("Config", i, c)
wd, state := setup(t)
if c.f1_ro {
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/file1", "c1", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/file1", "c1")
if c.f1_rw {
writeToFile(wd + "/rw/file1", "c2", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/rw/file1", "c2")
if c.f2_ro {
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/file2", "c3", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/ro/file2", "c3")
if c.f2_rw {
writeToFile(wd + "/rw/file2", "c4", true)
writeToFile(wd + "/rw/file2", "c4")
err := os.Rename(wd + "/mount/file1", wd + "/mount/file2")
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