• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    fixup! proto.NotPrimaryMaster: Fix .Primary data type (1) · 3cb82317
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Rerun `go generate`. As the diff in zproto-marshal.go shows changing
    NotPrimaryMaster.Primary type from NodeID to int8 actually does make a
    difference. This happens because NodeID type is based on int32 and
    changing that to int8 changes how NotPrimaryMaster structure is layed
    out in memory and on the wire.
    The changes to zproto-marshal.go in 5d93e434 seem to be done by hand
    and not matching the change to proto.go even though head of
    zproto-marshal.go says
    	// Code generated by protogen.go; DO NOT EDIT.
zproto-marshal.go 271 KB