• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    X add benchmark RTT over plain net.Conn with serveRecv-style RX handler · 496bd425
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    BenchmarkSyncChanRTT-4           5000000               350 ns/op
    BenchmarkBufChanRTT-4            5000000               352 ns/op
    BenchmarkBufChanAXRXRTT-4        3000000               407 ns/op
    BenchmarkNetPipeRTT-4            2000000               938 ns/op
    BenchmarkNetPipeRTTsr-4          1000000              1594 ns/op	<-- here
    BenchmarkTCPlo-4                  300000              4814 ns/op
    BenchmarkTCPlosr-4                100000             12261 ns/op	<-- here
    BenchmarkLinkNetPipeRTT-4         500000              3017 ns/op
    BenchmarkLinkTCPRTT-4             100000             15650 ns/op
    the δ beetwen TCPlo + serveRecv style RX and full link over TCPlo is ~ 3μs.
    -> need to find out why TCPlosr = TCPlo + 8μs
connection_test.go 26.4 KB