Commit 7e456329 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

More RTMIN+2 (log) information for clients and connections

parent d66b4f24
......@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
def log(self):
super(Application, self).log()"%r", self._cache)
for txn_context in self._txn_container.itervalues():"%r", txn_context)
def txn_contexts(self):
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from ZODB.POSException import StorageTransactionError
from neo.lib.connection import ConnectionClosed
from neo.lib.locking import SimpleQueue
from neo.lib.protocol import Packets
from neo.lib.util import dump
from .exception import NEOStorageError
......@@ -52,6 +53,15 @@ class Transaction(object):
# involved storage nodes; connection is None is connection was lost
self.conn_dict = {} # {node_id: connection}
def __repr__(self):
error = self.error
return ("<%s ttid=%s locking_tid=%s voted=%u"
" #queue=%s #writing=%s #written=%s%s>") % (
dump(self.ttid), dump(self.locking_tid), self.voted,
len(self.queue._queue), len(self.data_dict), len(self.cache_dict),
' error=%r' % error if error else '')
def wakeup(self, conn):
self.queue.put((conn, _WakeupPacket, {}))
......@@ -314,6 +314,11 @@ class EpollEventManager(object):
for fd, conn in self.connection_dict.items():' %r: %r (pending=%r)', fd, conn,
conn in pending_set)
for request_dict, handler in conn._handlers._pending:
handler = handler.__class__.__name__
for msg_id, (klass, kw) in sorted(request_dict.items()):' #0x%04x %s (%s)', msg_id,
klass.__name__, handler)
# Default to EpollEventManager.
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