1. 08 Dec, 2017 1 commit
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X neotest/bench-disk: Also benchmark randomly reading 1M blocks · 8bac3dba
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      On my disk it gives:
      name                                 time/op
      deco/disk/randread/direct/4K-min     98.0µs ± 1%
      deco/disk/randread/direct/4K-avg      104µs ± 0%
      deco/disk/randread/direct/1M-min     2.90ms ±17%
      deco/disk/randread/direct/1M-avg     3.55ms ± 0%
      deco/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-min   227ns ± 1%
      deco/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-avg   629ns ± 0%
      deco/disk/randread/pagecache/1M-min  70.8µs ± 7%
      deco/disk/randread/pagecache/1M-avg  99.4µs ± 1%
  2. 22 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  3. 20 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  4. 09 Nov, 2017 6 commits
  5. 08 Nov, 2017 6 commits
  6. 07 Nov, 2017 3 commits
  7. 06 Nov, 2017 5 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X rio localhost timings (performance governor, C-states enabled) · 55a64368
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      ; NEO/py log to no-log:
      $ ./benchstat-neopy-lognolog 20171106-time-rio-Cenabled.txt
      name                                    old µs/object  new µs/object  delta
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                   304 ± 6%       291 ± 2%     ~     (p=0.056 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16             2.19k ± 0%     2.01k ± 2%   -8.20%  (p=0.000 n=13+16)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                   248 ± 1%       231 ± 1%   -7.19%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128       125 ± 1%       110 ± 2%  -11.57%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16             1.76k ±13%     1.62k ± 7%   -8.06%  (p=0.015 n=16+16)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                      325 ± 4%       313 ± 4%     ~     (p=0.114 n=4+4)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                2.88k ± 1%     2.56k ± 1%  -11.05%  (p=0.000 n=15+15)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                      275 ± 2%       258 ± 1%   -6.03%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128          154 ± 3%       139 ± 1%   -9.29%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                2.30k ± 8%     2.21k ± 5%     ~     (p=0.072 n=16+16)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                   269 ± 1%       259 ± 4%   -3.49%  (p=0.032 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16             2.19k ± 0%     1.89k ± 1%  -13.62%  (p=0.000 n=16+15)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                   158 ± 1%       142 ± 1%  -10.36%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128       116 ± 3%       101 ± 2%  -13.22%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16             1.90k ± 0%     1.57k ± 0%  -17.14%  (p=0.000 n=14+13)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                      337 ±43%       293 ± 4%     ~     (p=0.286 n=5+4)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                2.73k ± 0%     2.47k ± 0%   -9.45%  (p=0.000 n=15+15)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                      186 ± 3%       168 ± 1%   -9.39%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128          145 ± 2%       130 ± 2%  -10.24%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                2.29k ± 6%     2.08k ± 3%   -9.20%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      ; Full summary
      $ benchstat -split dataset 20171106-time-rio-Cenabled.txt
      name                                          pystone/s
      rio/pystone                                    178k ± 2%
      name                                          µs/op
      rio/sha1/py/1024B                              1.40 ± 0%
      rio/sha1/go/1024B                              1.79 ± 1%
      rio/sha1/py/4096B                              5.08 ± 2%
      rio/sha1/go/4096B                              7.14 ± 0%
      name                                          us/op
      rio/disk/randread/direct/4K-min                34.0 ± 1%
      rio/disk/randread/direct/4K-avg                92.9 ± 0%
      name                                          time/op
      rio/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-min            221ns ± 0%
      rio/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-avg            637ns ± 0%
      name                                          µs/object
      rio/fs1/zhash.py                               22.3 ± 2%
      rio/fs1/zhash.py-P16                           51.7 ±72%
      rio/fs1/zhash.go                               2.40 ± 0%
      rio/fs1/zhash.go+prefetch128                   4.34 ± 8%
      rio/fs1/zhash.go-P16                           3.58 ±24%
      rio/zeo/zhash.py                                336 ± 2%
      rio/zeo/zhash.py-P16                          1.61k ±19%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                      304 ± 6%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16                2.19k ± 0%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                      248 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128          125 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16                1.76k ±13%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py                291 ± 2%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py-P16          2.01k ± 2%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go                231 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128    110 ± 2%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go-P16          1.62k ± 7%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                         325 ± 4%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                   2.88k ± 1%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                         275 ± 2%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128             154 ± 3%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                   2.30k ± 8%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py                   313 ± 4%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py-P16             2.56k ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go                   258 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128       139 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go-P16             2.21k ± 5%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.py                             190 ± 3%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.py-P16                         784 ± 9%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.go                            52.0 ± 1%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.go+prefetch128                26.6 ± 5%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.go-P16                         256 ± 6%
      rio/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go                     35.3 ± 4%
      rio/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go+prefetch128         17.3 ± 2%
      rio/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go-P16                  152 ±13%
      rio/fs1/zhash.py                               18.9 ± 1%
      rio/fs1/zhash.py-P16                           58.0 ±52%
      rio/fs1/zhash.go                               1.30 ± 0%
      rio/fs1/zhash.go+prefetch128                   2.78 ±14%
      rio/fs1/zhash.go-P16                           2.21 ± 9%
      rio/zeo/zhash.py                                302 ± 7%
      rio/zeo/zhash.py-P16                          1.44k ±11%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                      269 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16                2.19k ± 0%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                      158 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128          116 ± 3%
      rio/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16                1.90k ± 0%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py                259 ± 4%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py-P16          1.89k ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go                142 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128    101 ± 2%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go-P16          1.57k ± 0%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                         337 ±43%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                   2.73k ± 0%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                         186 ± 3%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128             145 ± 2%
      rio/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                   2.29k ± 6%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py                   293 ± 4%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py-P16             2.47k ± 0%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go                   168 ± 1%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128       130 ± 2%
      rio/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go-P16             2.08k ± 3%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.py                             181 ± 5%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.py-P16                         714 ± 6%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.go                            36.9 ± 3%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.go+prefetch128                16.5 ± 1%
      rio/neo/go/zhash.go-P16                         239 ± 4%
      rio/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go                     32.7 ± 7%
      rio/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go+prefetch128         13.5 ± 1%
      rio/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go-P16                  190 ± 7%
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X z6001 localhost timings (performance governor, C-states enabled) · 98df8ce5
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      ; NEO/py log to no-log:
      $ ./benchstat-neopy-lognolog 20171106-time-z6001-Cenabled.txt
      name                                      old µs/object  new µs/object  delta
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                   793 ± 5%       714 ±16%   -9.92%  (p=0.032 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16             3.20k ± 1%     2.81k ± 1%  -12.32%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                   517 ± 5%       486 ± 5%   -6.08%  (p=0.032 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128       211 ± 4%       179 ± 2%  -15.42%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16             2.93k ± 6%     2.53k ±10%  -13.76%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                    1.14k ±25%     1.03k ±36%     ~     (p=0.151 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                5.34k ± 0%     4.46k ± 1%  -16.40%  (p=0.000 n=13+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                      668 ± 9%       624 ± 5%     ~     (p=0.095 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128          311 ± 5%       279 ± 4%  -10.42%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                4.63k ± 2%     4.18k ± 4%   -9.84%  (p=0.000 n=16+14)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                   711 ± 6%       698 ± 5%     ~     (p=0.548 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16             2.93k ± 0%     2.75k ± 0%   -6.20%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                   351 ± 3%       322 ± 3%   -8.24%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128       189 ± 3%       166 ± 1%  -12.10%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16             2.83k ± 3%     2.52k ± 4%  -11.00%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                      894 ± 1%       982 ±30%     ~     (p=0.190 n=4+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                4.89k ± 0%     4.26k ± 1%  -12.93%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                      434 ± 4%       405 ± 2%   -6.77%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128          303 ± 3%       267 ±10%  -11.86%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                4.66k ± 2%     4.72k ± 0%   +1.39%  (p=0.000 n=16+11)
      ; Comparing to prvious localhost run on z6001
      ; (NOTE it was with C-states disabled then)
      $ benchstat -split dataset time-soct17-z6001.txt 20171106-time-z6001-Cenabled.txt
      name                                      old pystone/s  new pystone/s  delta
      z6001/pystone                                 121k ± 1%      110k ± 1%    -9.28%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      name                                      old µs/op      new µs/op      delta
      z6001/sha1/py/1024B                           2.26 ± 3%      2.43 ± 2%    +7.72%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/sha1/go/1024B                           2.35 ± 0%      2.51 ± 0%    +6.78%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/sha1/py/4096B                           7.87 ± 1%      8.57 ± 0%    +8.80%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/sha1/go/4096B                           9.37 ± 0%     10.01 ± 0%    +6.86%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      name                                      old us/op      new us/op      delta
      z6001/disk/randread/direct/4K-min              122 ± 1%       123 ± 1%      ~     (p=0.143 n=5+4)
      z6001/disk/randread/direct/4K-avg              125 ± 0%       143 ±14%   +13.98%  (p=0.016 n=4+5)
      name                                      old time/op    new time/op    delta
      z6001/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-min         409ns ± 1%     406ns ± 4%      ~     (p=0.690 n=5+5)
      z6001/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-avg         938ns ± 0%     980ns ± 1%      ~     (p=0.095 n=2+5)
      name                                      old µs/object  new µs/object  delta
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py                            35.6 ± 0%      38.8 ± 1%    +8.92%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py-P16                        43.9 ±21%      39.2 ± 2%   -10.74%  (p=0.003 n=16+16)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go                            3.76 ± 2%      4.08 ± 4%    +8.51%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go+prefetch128                7.36 ± 6%      9.42 ±12%   +27.99%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go-P16                        4.53 ±24%      4.89 ±27%      ~     (p=0.234 n=16+16)
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py                             488 ± 1%       612 ± 4%   +25.41%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py-P16                       1.71k ±17%     1.86k ±14%    +9.00%  (p=0.026 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                   486 ± 4%       793 ± 5%   +63.22%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16             3.16k ± 1%     3.20k ± 1%    +1.25%  (p=0.000 n=15+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                   371 ± 1%       517 ± 5%   +39.56%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128       198 ± 2%       211 ± 4%    +6.90%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16             2.85k ± 6%     2.93k ± 6%    +2.91%  (p=0.005 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                      528 ± 2%      1139 ±25%  +115.70%  (p=0.016 n=4+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                3.95k ± 1%     5.34k ± 0%   +35.04%  (p=0.000 n=16+13)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                      415 ± 0%       668 ± 9%   +61.01%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128          246 ± 2%       311 ± 5%   +26.53%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                3.79k ± 4%     4.63k ± 2%   +22.37%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py                          287 ± 7%       475 ±15%   +65.45%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py-P16                      477 ± 1%       498 ± 2%    +4.46%  (p=0.000 n=15+16)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go                         78.7 ± 5%      90.7 ± 8%   +15.27%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go+prefetch128             36.7 ± 2%      41.8 ± 8%   +13.94%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go-P16                      123 ±23%       128 ±21%    +3.62%  (p=0.036 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go                  56.4 ±10%      63.8 ±11%      ~     (p=0.056 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go+prefetch128      27.7 ± 2%      30.0 ± 2%    +8.22%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go-P16               111 ±29%       109 ±30%      ~     (p=0.356 n=16+16)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py                            29.8 ± 1%      32.4 ± 0%    +8.45%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py-P16                        37.8 ±28%      33.1 ± 5%   -12.44%  (p=0.002 n=16+14)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go                            2.14 ± 3%      2.40 ± 0%   +12.15%  (p=0.016 n=5+4)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go+prefetch128                4.20 ± 7%      4.88 ± 2%   +16.19%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go-P16                        2.77 ±24%      3.07 ±25%   +10.59%  (p=0.018 n=16+16)
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py                             470 ± 5%       570 ±11%   +21.07%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py-P16                       1.51k ±19%     1.58k ±20%      ~     (p=0.275 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                   427 ± 3%       711 ± 6%   +66.59%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16             2.96k ± 1%     2.93k ± 0%    -1.02%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                   244 ± 0%       351 ± 3%   +43.97%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128       174 ± 2%       189 ± 3%    +8.17%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16             2.76k ± 2%     2.83k ± 3%    +2.61%  (p=0.009 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                      477 ± 3%       894 ± 1%   +87.27%  (p=0.029 n=4+4)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                3.95k ± 0%     4.89k ± 0%   +23.96%  (p=0.000 n=15+16)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                      299 ± 1%       434 ± 4%   +45.15%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128          230 ± 0%       303 ± 3%   +31.65%  (p=0.016 n=4+5)
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                3.62k ± 2%     4.66k ± 2%   +28.58%  (p=0.000 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py                          272 ±10%       359 ±11%   +32.21%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py-P16                      464 ± 1%       479 ± 2%    +3.35%  (p=0.000 n=15+16)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go                         58.2 ± 2%      68.5 ± 3%   +17.67%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go+prefetch128             24.1 ± 0%      25.8 ± 2%    +6.97%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go-P16                      141 ±48%       150 ±47%    +6.31%  (p=0.016 n=16+16)
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go                  48.6 ± 3%      56.0 ± 8%   +15.36%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go+prefetch128      22.1 ± 1%      22.8 ± 2%    +3.26%  (p=0.016 n=5+5)
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go-P16               131 ±44%       136 ±43%    +4.29%  (p=0.009 n=16+16)
      ; Full summary
      $ benchstat -split dataset  20171106-time-z6001-Cenabled.txt
      name                                            pystone/s
      z6001/pystone                                    110k ± 1%
      name                                            µs/op
      z6001/sha1/py/1024B                              2.43 ± 2%
      z6001/sha1/go/1024B                              2.51 ± 0%
      z6001/sha1/py/4096B                              8.57 ± 0%
      z6001/sha1/go/4096B                              10.0 ± 0%
      name                                            us/op
      z6001/disk/randread/direct/4K-min                 123 ± 1%
      z6001/disk/randread/direct/4K-avg                 143 ±14%
      name                                            time/op
      z6001/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-min            406ns ± 4%
      z6001/disk/randread/pagecache/4K-avg            980ns ± 1%
      name                                            µs/object
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py                               38.8 ± 1%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py-P16                           39.2 ± 2%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go                               4.08 ± 4%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go+prefetch128                   9.42 ±12%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go-P16                           4.89 ±27%
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py                                612 ± 4%
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py-P16                          1.86k ±14%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                      793 ± 5%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16                3.20k ± 1%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                      517 ± 5%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128          211 ± 4%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16                2.93k ± 6%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py                714 ±16%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py-P16          2.81k ± 1%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go                486 ± 5%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128    179 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go-P16          2.53k ±10%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                       1.14k ±25%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                   5.34k ± 0%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                         668 ± 9%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128             311 ± 5%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                   4.63k ± 2%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py                 1.03k ±36%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py-P16             4.46k ± 1%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go                   624 ± 5%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128       279 ± 4%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go-P16             4.18k ± 4%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py                             475 ±15%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py-P16                         498 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go                            90.7 ± 8%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go+prefetch128                41.8 ± 8%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go-P16                         128 ±21%
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go                     63.8 ±11%
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go+prefetch128         30.0 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go-P16                  109 ±30%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py                               32.4 ± 0%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.py-P16                           33.1 ± 5%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go                               2.40 ± 0%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go+prefetch128                   4.88 ± 2%
      z6001/fs1/zhash.go-P16                           3.07 ±25%
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py                                570 ±11%
      z6001/zeo/zhash.py-P16                          1.58k ±20%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py                      711 ± 6%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.py-P16                2.93k ± 0%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go                      351 ± 3%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128          189 ± 3%
      z6001/neo/py/sqlite/zhash.go-P16                2.83k ± 3%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py                698 ± 5%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.py-P16          2.75k ± 0%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go                322 ± 3%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go+prefetch128    166 ± 1%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sqlite/zhash.go-P16          2.52k ± 4%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py                         894 ± 1%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.py-P16                   4.89k ± 0%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go                         434 ± 4%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128             303 ± 3%
      z6001/neo/py/sql/zhash.go-P16                   4.66k ± 2%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py                   982 ±30%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.py-P16             4.26k ± 1%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go                   405 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go+prefetch128       267 ±10%
      z6001/neo/py(!log)/sql/zhash.go-P16             4.72k ± 0%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py                             359 ±11%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.py-P16                         479 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go                            68.5 ± 3%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go+prefetch128                25.8 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/go/zhash.go-P16                         150 ±47%
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go                     56.0 ± 8%
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go+prefetch128         22.8 ± 2%
      z6001/neo/go(!sha1)/zhash.go-P16                  136 ±43%
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X benchstat-neopy-lognolog: Utility to compare NEO/py runs with and without logging · b057e37e
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      See previous commit for context.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X neotest: Also benchmark NEO/py with logging disabled · fb165ad9
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      NEO/py currently logs every packet internally in RAM buffer to flush on
      SIGRTMIN if such a request comes. This might be adding overhead, so
      Julien asked to also have numbers for NEO/py server with logging
      We already don't enable logging on NEO/py client since to enable it a
      ?logfile query needs to be passed to ZODB URL and we don't do so
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      fixup! X zodb: Polish a bit · f81284ac
      Kirill Smelkov authored
  8. 05 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  9. 03 Nov, 2017 3 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X neotest: Don't use bc · 4ac3a550
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      bc is marked as optional in Debian and I just hit a machine where it is
      not installed. Python might be also not installed but we depend on
      python in many more places so using it instead of bc reduces the
      probability `neotest info-local` won't work on a fresh machine.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X neotest: Fix disk display in case of DM · e795c6ed
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Similarly to 352cd100 (X neotest: Fix disk display in case of MD).
          # vg0-root:   rev     74.5G
          # dm-0 (vg0-root) -> sdi2
          # sdi: PERC H330 Mini    rev 4.27 111.3G
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X neotest/info-local: Don't crash if a prog could not be found · 56faccad
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Similary to f2932247 (X neotest/info-local: Don't crash if an egg could
      not be found)
          # Fri, 03 Nov 2017 10:47:37 +0300
          # kirr@deco.navytux.spb.ru (2401:5180:0:37::1
          # Linux deco 4.13.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.4-2 (2017-10-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux
          # cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
          # cpu[0-3]: freq: intel_pstate/powersave [.40GHz - 3.40GHz]
          # cpu[0-3]: idle: intel_idle/menu: POLL(0μs) C1(2μs) C1E(10μs) C3(70μs) C6(85μs) C7s(124μs) C8(200μs) C9(480μs) C10(890μs)
          # cpu: WARNING: frequency not fixed - benchmark timings won't be stable
          # cpu: WARNING: C-state exit-latency is max 890μs - up to that can add to networked and IPC request-reply latency
          # sda: SanDisk X400 M.2  rev 0012  477G
          # wlan0: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 rev 3a
          # wlan0: features: !rx !tx sg !tso !ufo gso gro !lro !rxvlan !txvlan !ntuple !rxhash ...
          # wlan0: coalesce: rxc: ?,  txc: ?
          # wlan0: down, speed=?, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # wlan0: WARNING: TSO not enabled - TCP latency with packets > MSS will be poor
          # eth0: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I219-LM rev 21
          # eth0: features: rx tx sg tso !ufo gso gro !lro rxvlan txvlan !ntuple rxhash ...
          # eth0: coalesce: rxc: 3μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq,  txc: 0μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq
          # eth0: up, speed=1000, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # Python 2.7.14
          # go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64
          # sqlite 3.20.1 (py mod 2.6.0)
          # ./neotest: строка 733: mysqld: команда не найдена
          # Fri, 03 Nov 2017 10:44:12 +0300
          # kirr@deco.navytux.spb.ru (2401:5180:0:37::1
          # Linux deco 4.13.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.4-2 (2017-10-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux
          # cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
          # cpu[0-3]: freq: intel_pstate/powersave [.40GHz - 3.40GHz]
          # cpu[0-3]: idle: intel_idle/menu: POLL(0μs) C1(2μs) C1E(10μs) C3(70μs) C6(85μs) C7s(124μs) C8(200μs) C9(480μs) C10(890μs)
          # cpu: WARNING: frequency not fixed - benchmark timings won't be stable
          # cpu: WARNING: C-state exit-latency is max 890μs - up to that can add to networked and IPC request-reply latency
          # sda: SanDisk X400 M.2  rev 0012  477G
          # wlan0: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 rev 3a
          # wlan0: features: !rx !tx sg !tso !ufo gso gro !lro !rxvlan !txvlan !ntuple !rxhash ...
          # wlan0: coalesce: rxc: ?,  txc: ?
          # wlan0: down, speed=?, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # wlan0: WARNING: TSO not enabled - TCP latency with packets > MSS will be poor
          # eth0: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I219-LM rev 21
          # eth0: features: rx tx sg tso !ufo gso gro !lro rxvlan txvlan !ntuple rxhash ...
          # eth0: coalesce: rxc: 3μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq,  txc: 0μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq
          # eth0: up, speed=1000, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # Python 2.7.14
          # go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64
          # sqlite 3.20.1 (py mod 2.6.0)
          # mysqld          : ø
          # neo             : ø
          # zodb            : ø
          # zeo             : ø
          # mysqlclient     : ø
          # wendelin.core   : ø
  10. 02 Nov, 2017 5 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      . · 2c03f1f6
      Kirill Smelkov authored
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      . · 3b1f7c94
      Kirill Smelkov authored
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X regenerate with updated ZODB/zodbtools + sync zodbdump · 50a09046
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      ZODB: based on 5.3.0-5-gcb928231e + y/rawext patch
      zodbtools: with not-yet-in-master format stabilization + rawext
      The main reson why generated files change a lot is because of this ZODB
      where pickle protocol used to save data under python2 changed from 1 to 2.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      X neotest/info-local: Don't crash if an egg could not be found · f2932247
      Kirill Smelkov authored
          # Thu, 02 Nov 2017 12:06:49 +0300
          # kirr@deco.navytux.spb.ru (2401:5180:0:37::1
          # Linux deco 4.13.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.4-2 (2017-10-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux
          # cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
          # cpu[0-3]: freq: intel_pstate/powersave [.40GHz - 3.40GHz]
          # cpu[0-3]: idle: intel_idle/menu: POLL(0μs) C1(2μs) C1E(10μs) C3(70μs) C6(85μs) C7s(124μs) C8(200μs) C9(480μs) C10(890μs)
          # cpu: WARNING: frequency not fixed - benchmark timings won't be stable
          # cpu: WARNING: C-state exit-latency is max 890μs - up to that can add to networked and IPC request-reply latency
          # sda: SanDisk X400 M.2  rev 0012  477G
          # wlan0: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 rev 3a
          # wlan0: features: !rx !tx sg !tso !ufo gso gro !lro !rxvlan !txvlan !ntuple !rxhash ...
          # wlan0: coalesce: rxc: ?,  txc: ?
          # wlan0: down, speed=?, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # wlan0: WARNING: TSO not enabled - TCP latency with packets > MSS will be poor
          # eth0: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I219-LM rev 21
          # eth0: features: rx tx sg tso !ufo gso gro !lro rxvlan txvlan !ntuple rxhash ...
          # eth0: coalesce: rxc: 3μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq,  txc: 0μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq
          # eth0: up, speed=1000, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # Python 2.7.14
          # go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64
          # sqlite 3.20.1 (py mod 2.6.0)
          # mysqld  Ver 10.1.26-MariaDB-1 for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64 (Debian unstable)
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
            File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/venv/z-dev/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 963, in require
              needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
            File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/venv/z-dev/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 849, in resolve
              raise DistributionNotFound(req, requirers)
          pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'neoppod' distribution was not found and is required by the application
          # Thu, 02 Nov 2017 12:09:01 +0300
          # kirr@deco.navytux.spb.ru (2401:5180:0:37::1
          # Linux deco 4.13.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.4-2 (2017-10-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux
          # cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
          # cpu[0-3]: freq: intel_pstate/powersave [.40GHz - 3.40GHz]
          # cpu[0-3]: idle: intel_idle/menu: POLL(0μs) C1(2μs) C1E(10μs) C3(70μs) C6(85μs) C7s(124μs) C8(200μs) C9(480μs) C10(890μs)
          # cpu: WARNING: frequency not fixed - benchmark timings won't be stable
          # cpu: WARNING: C-state exit-latency is max 890μs - up to that can add to networked and IPC request-reply latency
          # sda: SanDisk X400 M.2  rev 0012  477G
          # wlan0: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 rev 3a
          # wlan0: features: !rx !tx sg !tso !ufo gso gro !lro !rxvlan !txvlan !ntuple !rxhash ...
          # wlan0: coalesce: rxc: ?,  txc: ?
          # wlan0: down, speed=?, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # wlan0: WARNING: TSO not enabled - TCP latency with packets > MSS will be poor
          # eth0: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I219-LM rev 21
          # eth0: features: rx tx sg tso !ufo gso gro !lro rxvlan txvlan !ntuple rxhash ...
          # eth0: coalesce: rxc: 3μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq,  txc: 0μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq
          # eth0: up, speed=1000, mtu=1500, txqlen=1000, gro_flush_timeout=0.000µs
          # Python 2.7.14
          # go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64
          # sqlite 3.20.1 (py mod 2.6.0)
          # mysqld  Ver 10.1.26-MariaDB-1 for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64 (Debian unstable)
          # neo             : ø
          # zodb            : 5.3.0-6-g52d79afa3
          # zeo             : 5.1.0-11-gbd4aaf68
          # mysqlclient     : ø
          # wendelin.core   : ø
  11. 31 Oct, 2017 2 commits
  12. 30 Oct, 2017 3 commits
  13. 27 Oct, 2017 3 commits