Commit 660925dc authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Turn into full egg

We will need to add tests and, maybe in the future, helper packages.
parent fb75c638
# nxdbom | pythonic package setup
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name = 'nxdbom',
version = '0.0.0.dev1',
description = 'Tool to generate bill of material for Nexedi-built software',
url = '',
license = 'GPLv3+ with wide exception for FOSS',
author = 'Nexedi',
author_email= '',
keywords = 'Nexedi software build BOM',
packages = find_packages(),
entry_points= {'console_scripts': ['nxdbom = nxdbom:main']},
classifiers = [_.strip() for _ in """\
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Intended Audience :: Developers
Topic :: Utilities\
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