Commit 2b3b5884 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

wendelin.core: v↑ 2.0.alpha3..post7 -> 2.0.alpha3.post9

wendelin.core 2.0.alpha3.post9 supports golang 1.21: with this new
version we can set golang 1.21 as the new default.
parent ca45646e
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ CGO_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=${zlib:location}/lib
recipe =
repository =
branch = master
revision = wendelin.core-2.0.alpha3-7-g885b355
revision = wendelin.core-2.0.alpha3-9-gda765ef
# dir is pretty name as top-level recipe
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/wendelin.core
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
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