Commit 775adf73 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

wcfs: Add tests to show wcfs kills dead clients

When a WCFS client doesn't respond in time to a pin request by
WCFS, the server attempts to kill this client [1]. However, there is
a possibility that after a server sends a pin request, a client stops
due to other reasons (for instance: restarted by other program). Then
the server shouldn't attempt to kill the client as this emits false
alarm logs about a faulty client whereas client isn't faulty but just
restarted at pin time.

[1] See nexedi/wendelin.core@c559ec1a
parent db6fea3d
......@@ -452,3 +452,128 @@ def assertKilled(f, ctx, failmsg):
if _ == 0:
raise ctx.err()
raise AssertionError(failmsg)
# verify that wcfs doesn't attempt to kill already dead client who does not handle pin
# notifications correctly and in time during watch setup.
# This verifies setupWatch codepath.
@func # client that stops itself just after it received pin request
def _bad_watch_suicide(ctx, f, at):
wlf = f.wc._open("head/watch", mode='r+b') ; defer(wlf.close)
# wait for command to start watching
_ = f.cin.recv()
assert _ == "start watch", _
# send watch; the write should go ok.
wlf.write(b"1 watch %s @%s\n" % (h(f.zfile_oid), h(at)))
# Instead of replying to pin request: just exit
# (simulate client that stops itself).
@func # client that is stopped by other process just after it received pin request
def _bad_watch_killed_by_other(ctx, f, at):
_bad_watch_suicide(ctx, f, at)
f.assertKilled(ctx, "test didn't kill bad client")
@mark.parametrize('faulty,dokill', [
[_bad_watch_suicide, False],
[_bad_watch_killed_by_other, True],
def test_wcfs_pinhdead_not_kill_on_watch(faulty, dokill, with_prompt_pintimeout):
t = tDB(multiproc=True); zf = t.zfile
at1 = t.commit(zf, {2:'c1'})
at2 = t.commit(zf, {2:'c2'})
f =
# launch faulty process that should exit or be killed by test
p = tFaultySubProcess(t, faulty, at=at1)
t.assertStats({'pinkill': 0})
# wait till faulty client issues its watch, receives pin and pauses/misbehaves
p.send("start watch")
assert p.recv(t.ctx) == b"2 pin %s #%d @%s\n" % (h(zf._p_oid), 2, h(at1))
# issue our watch request - it should be served well and without any delay
wl = t.openwatch(), at1, {2:at1})
if dokill:
# the faulty client must be killed by test or by itself
assert p.exitcode is not None
t.assertStats({'pinkill': 0})
# verify that wcfs doesn't attempt to kill already dead client who does not handle pin
# notifications correctly and in time caused by asynchronous read access.
# This verifies readPinWatchers codepath.
@func # client that stops itself just after it received pin request
def _bad_pin_suicide(ctx, f, at):
wlf = f.wc._open("head/watch", mode='r+b') ; defer(wlf.close)
# initial watch setup goes ok
wlf.write(b"1 watch %s @%s\n" % (h(f.zfile_oid), h(at)))
_ = wlf.readline()
assert _ == b"1 ok\n", _
f.cout.send("f: watch setup ok")
# Instead of replying to pin request: just exit
# (simulate client that stops itself).
@func # client that is stopped by other process just after it received pin request
def _bad_pin_killed_by_other(ctx, f, at):
_bad_pin_suicide(ctx, f, at)
f.assertKilled(ctx, "test did not kill")
@mark.parametrize('faulty,dokill', [
[_bad_pin_suicide, False],
[_bad_pin_killed_by_other, True],
def test_wcfs_pinhdead_not_kill_on_access(faulty, dokill, with_prompt_pintimeout):
t = tDB(multiproc=True); zf = t.zfile; at0=t.at0
at1 = t.commit(zf, {2:'c1'})
f =
# spawn faulty client and wait until it setups its watch
p = tFaultySubProcess(t, faulty, at=at1)
assert p.recv(t.ctx) == "f: watch setup ok"
t.assertStats({'pinkill': 0})
# commit new transaction and issue read access to modified block.
# ensure pin request is received by faulty client.
at2 = t.commit(zf, {2:'c2'})
wg = sync.WorkGroup(t.ctx)
def _(ctx):
f.assertBlk(2, 'c2', timeout=2*t.pintimeout)
def _(ctx):
assert p.recv(ctx) == b"2 pin %s #%d @%s\n" % (h(zf._p_oid), 2, h(at1))
if dokill:
assert p.exitcode is not None
# Client is killed by suicide or by other process and must not be killed by wcfs.
t.assertStats({'pinkill': 0})
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