@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ You'll create two different projects:
-`simple-maven-dep`: the app built and deployed to Artifactory (available at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/maven/simple-maven-dep)
-`simple-maven-app`: the app using the previous one as a dependency (available at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/maven/simple-maven-app)
We assume that you already have a GitLab account on [GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/), and that you know the basic usage of GitLab CI/CD.
We assume that you already have a GitLab account on [GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/), and that you know the basic usage of Git and GitLab CI/CD.
We also assume that an Artifactory instance is available and reachable from the internet, and that you have valid credentials to deploy on it.
## Create the simple Maven dependency
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ The application is ready to use, but you need some additional steps to deploy it
2. from the main screen, click on the `libs-release-local` item in the **Set Me Up** panel
3. copy to clipboard the configuration snippet under the **Deploy** paragraph
4. change the `url` value in order to have it configurable via secret variables
5. copy the snippet in the `pom.xml` file for your project, just after the `dependencies` section
The snippet should look like this:
@@ -54,14 +55,14 @@ The snippet should look like this:
Now copy the snippet in the `pom.xml` file for your project, just after the `dependencies` section. Easy!
Another step you need to do before you can deploy the dependency to Artifactory is to configure authentication data.
It is a simple task, but Maven requires it to stay in a file called `settings.xml` that has to be in the `.m2` subfolder in the user's homedir.
Since you want to use GitLab Runner to automatically deploy the application, you should create the file in the project home
and set a command line parameter in `.gitlab-ci.yml` to use the custom location instead of the default one.
For this scope, create a folder called `.m2` in the root of the repo. You must create a file named `settings.xml` there, and copy the following text into it.
Since you want to use GitLab Runner to automatically deploy the application, you should create the file in the project home
and set a command line parameter in `.gitlab-ci.yml` to use the custom location instead of the default one:
1. create a folder called `.m2` in the root of the repo
2. create a file called `settings.xml` in the `.m2` folder
@@ -79,8 +80,6 @@ For this scope, create a folder called `.m2` in the root of the repo. You must c
`username` and `password` will be replaced by the correct values using secret variables.
Remember to commit all the changes to the repo!
### Configure GitLab CI/CD for `simple-maven-dep`
Now it's time we set up GitLab CI/CD to automatically build, test and deploy the dependency!
@@ -157,9 +156,14 @@ Now that you have the dependency available on Artifactory, you want to use it!
Create another application by cloning the one you can find at `https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/maven/simple-maven-app.git`.
If you look at the `src/main/java/com/example/app/App.java` file you can see that it imports the `com.example.dep.Dep` class and calls the `hello` method passing `GitLab` as a parameter.
Since Maven doesn't know how to resolve the dependency, you need to modify the configuration.
Go back to Artifactory, and browse the `libs-release-local` repository selecting the `simple-maven-dep-1.0.jar` file.
In the **Dependency Declaration** section of the main panel you can copy the configuration snippet:
Since Maven doesn't know how to resolve the dependency, you need to modify the configuration:
1. go back to Artifactory
2. browse the `libs-release-local` repository
3. select the `simple-maven-dep-1.0.jar` file
4. find the configuration snippet from the **Dependency Declaration** section of the main panel
5. copy the snippet in the `dependencies` section of the `pom.xml` file
The snippet should look like this:
@@ -169,8 +173,6 @@ In the **Dependency Declaration** section of the main panel you can copy the con
Copy this in the `dependencies` section of the `pom.xml` file.
### Configure the Artifactory repository location
At this point you defined the dependency for the application, but you still miss where you can find the required files.