Commit 495d27be authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Show category search content in the search dropdown.

parent 5b64e486
......@@ -67,8 +67,14 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
getData: (term, callback) ->
_this = @
# Do not trigger request if input is empty
return if @searchInput.val() is ''
unless term
return unless @hasLocationBadge()
if contents = @getCategoryContents()'glDropdown').filter.options.callback contents
# Prevent multiple ajax calls
return if @loadingSuggestions
......@@ -122,6 +128,27 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
).always ->
_this.loadingSuggestions = false
getCategoryContents: ->
userId = gon.current_user_id
projectSlug = gl.utils.getProjectSlug()
projectOptions = gl.projectOptions[projectSlug]
return null if not projectSlug or not projectOptions
{ issuesPath, mrPath, projectName } = projectOptions
return [
{ header: "Go to in #{projectName}" }
{ text: 'Issues assigned to me', url: "#{issuesPath}/?assignee_id=#{userId}" }
{ text: "Issues I've created", url: "#{issuesPath}/?author_id=#{userId}" }
{ text: 'Merge requests assigned to me', url: "#{mrPath}/?assignee_id=#{userId}" }
{ text: "Merge requests I've created", url: "#{mrPath}/?author_id=#{userId}" }
serializeState: ->
# Search Criteria
......@@ -209,6 +236,13 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
@isFocused = true
if @hasLocationBadge() and @getValue() is ''
getValue: -> return @searchInput.val()
onClearInputClick: (e) =>
......@@ -229,6 +263,10 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
hasLocationBadge: -> return '.has-location-badge'
restoreOriginalState: ->
inputs = Object.keys @originalState
......@@ -257,13 +295,14 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
removeLocationBadge: ->
# Reset state
disableAutocomplete: ->
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