Commit 9e6d0710 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge pull request #443 from CedricGatay/fix/incorrectLineNumberingInDiff

Incorrect line numbering in diff
parents 8c40aab1 6ea87c47
......@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ module CommitsHelper
full_line = html_escape(line.gsub(/\n/, '')).force_encoding("UTF-8")
if line.match(/^@@ -/)
next if line_old == 1 && line_new == 1
type = "match"
line_old = line.match(/\-[0-9]*/)[0].to_i.abs rescue 0
line_new = line.match(/\+[0-9]*/)[0].to_i.abs rescue 0
next if line_old == 1 && line_new == 1
yield(line, type, nil, nil, nil)
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