Commit ed544538 authored by Fabio Busatto's avatar Fabio Busatto


parent 135e37db
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Caching the .m2/repository folder (where all the Maven files are stored), and th
by running all Maven phases in a sequential order, therefore, executing `mvn test` will automatically run `mvn compile` if necessary.
Both `build` and `test` jobs leverage the `mvn` command to compile the application and to test it as defined in the test suite that is part of the repository.
Deploy to Artifactory is done as defined by the secret variables we set up earlier.
Deploy to Artifactory is done as defined by the secret variables we have just set up.
The deployment occurs only if we're pushing or merging to `master` branch, so that the development versions are tested but not published.
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