1. 17 Dec, 2018 37 commits
  2. 16 Dec, 2018 3 commits
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Use finder to decide to show note to user · f82c9dbe
      Thong Kuah authored
      Given the note is about how to interpret ancestor clusters, use the
      finder which actually knows if there are any ancestor clusters to find
      out if the note should be shown, rather than passing the same info via a
      view to a helper
      Added note about Kaminari.paginate_array
      Link to followup issue too
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Check can :read_clusters in finder · 2ad5f999
      Thong Kuah authored
      This is in addtion to the can checks we have in the controller, as a
      finder can be used elsewhere in the future.
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Move code to presenter · 0e78834b
      Thong Kuah authored
      Part of the code such as #show_path is already present on the presenter.
      Also avoid having code in two places (helper and presenter)
      Sanitize and assert html_safe. Additional layer of defense - on top of
      GitLab already requiring group names to be composed of small set of
      chars A-Z, - and spaces.
      Only link to cluster if user can read cluster
      Make clear that arg is a GroupClusterablePresenter
      Add more specs for completeness