Commit adcb2289 authored by Léo-Paul Géneau's avatar Léo-Paul Géneau 👾

Initial commit

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Convert a simulator JSON map file into a klm file."""
import argparse
import json
import math
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
style_map_dict = {
'terrain': {
'line': 'ff000000',
'poly': '00ffff55',
'obstacle': {
'line': 'ff58eeff',
'poly': 'ff58eeff',
'flag': {
'line': 'ff7fff00',
'poly': 'ff00aa00',
def lat_lon_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
"""Return the distance in meters between 2 coordinates."""
q1 = lat1 * math.pi / 180
q2 = lat2 * math.pi / 180
dq = (lat2 - lat1) * math.pi / 180
dl = (lon2 -lon1) * math.pi / 180
a = math.sin(dq / 2) * math.sin(dq / 2) \
+ math.cos(q1) * math.cos(q2) * math.sin(dl / 2) * math.sin(dl / 2)
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
return 6371e3 * c
def longitude_to_X(lon, map_size):
"""Mercator projection of longitude."""
return (map_size / 360) * (180 + lon)
def latitude_to_Y(lat, map_size):
"""Mercator projection latitude."""
return (map_size / 180) * (90 - lat)
def convert_to_local_coordinates(latitude, longitude, map_info, map_size):
"""Convert coordinates into local values."""
x = longitude_to_X(longitude, map_size)
y = latitude_to_Y(latitude, map_size)
local_x = ((x - map_info['min_x']) / (map_info['max_x'] - map_info['min_x'])) \
* 1000 - map_size / 2
local_y = ((y - map_info['min_y']) / (map_info['max_y'] - map_info['min_y'])) \
* 1000 - map_size / 2
return local_x, local_y
def convert_to_geo_coordinates(x, y, map_info, map_size):
"""Convert local values to coordinates."""
lon = (x + map_size / 2) / 1000
lon = lon * (map_info['max_x'] - map_info['min_x']) + map_info['min_x']
lon = lon / (map_size / 360) - 180
lat = (y + map_size / 2) / 1000
lat = lat * (map_info['max_y'] - map_info['min_y']) + map_info['min_y']
lat = 90 - lat / (map_size / 180)
return lon, lat
def add_style_map_pair(style_map, k, name):
"""Declare a style key."""
pair = ET.SubElement(style_map, 'Pair')
key = ET.SubElement(pair, 'key')
key.text = k
style_url = ET.SubElement(pair, 'styleUrl')
style_url.text = '#' + name
def add_style_map(root, name, style_dict):
"""Define a style."""
style_map = ET.SubElement(root, 'StyleMap', attrib={'id': name})
for key in ('normal', 'highlight'):
style_id = '_'.join((name, key))
add_style_map_pair(style_map, key, style_id)
style = ET.SubElement(root, 'Style', attrib={'id': style_id})
line_style = ET.SubElement(style, 'LineStyle')
line_color = ET.SubElement(line_style, 'color')
line_color.text = style_dict['line']
poly_style = ET.SubElement(style, 'PolyStyle')
poly_color = ET.SubElement(poly_style, 'color')
poly_color.text = style_dict['poly']
def add_polygone(root, coordinate_tuple_list, style_map_id):
"""Add a polygone to the map."""
placemark = ET.SubElement(root, 'Placemark')
style_url = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'styleUrl')
style_url.text = '#' + style_map_id
polygon = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Polygon')
if coordinate_tuple_list[0][-1] > 0:
extrude = ET.SubElement(polygon, 'extrude')
extrude.text = '1'
altitude_mode = ET.SubElement(polygon, 'altitudeMode')
altitude_mode.text = 'relativeToGround'
outer_boundary = ET.SubElement(polygon, 'outerBoundaryIs')
linear_ring = ET.SubElement(outer_boundary, 'LinearRing')
coordinates = ET.SubElement(linear_ring, 'coordinates')
coordinates.text = ' '.join(
(','.join(str(x) for x in coor_tuple) for coor_tuple in coordinate_tuple_list))
def build_rectangle(root, lat, lon, length, width, height, style_map_id, map_info, map_size):
"""Build a rectangle."""
local_x, local_y = convert_to_local_coordinates(lat, lon, map_info, map_size)
max_lon, _ = convert_to_geo_coordinates(local_x + length, local_y, map_info, map_size)
_, max_lat = convert_to_geo_coordinates(local_x, local_y + width, map_info, map_size)
add_polygone(root, (
(lat, lon, height),
(lat, max_lon, height),
(max_lat, max_lon, height),
(max_lat, lon, height),
(lat, lon, height),
), style_map_id)
def write_kml(filename, map_dict):
"""Write kml file."""
root = ET.Element('kml', attrib={'xmlns': ''})
document = ET.SubElement(root, 'Document')
name = ET.SubElement(document, 'name')
name.text = filename
for name, style_dict in style_map_dict.items():
add_style_map(document, name, style_dict)
add_polygone(document, (
(map_dict['min_lat'], map_dict['min_lon'], 0),
(map_dict['min_lat'], map_dict['max_lon'], 0),
(map_dict['max_lat'], map_dict['max_lon'], 0),
(map_dict['max_lat'], map_dict['min_lon'], 0),
(map_dict['min_lat'], map_dict['min_lon'], 0),
), 'terrain')
map_size = math.ceil(max(
map_dict['min_lat'], map_dict['min_lon'], map_dict['min_lat'], map_dict['max_lon']),
map_dict['min_lat'], map_dict['min_lon'], map_dict['max_lat'], map_dict['min_lon']),
map_info = {
'min_x': longitude_to_X(map_dict['min_lon'], map_size),
'min_y': latitude_to_Y(map_dict['min_lat'], map_size),
'max_x': longitude_to_X(map_dict['max_lon'], map_size),
'max_y': latitude_to_Y(map_dict['max_lat'], map_size),
for obstacle in map_dict['obstacle_list']:
position = obstacle['position']
scale = obstacle['scale']
rotation = obstacle['rotation']['z'] * math.pi / 180
scale['x'] * math.cos(rotation) + scale['y'] * math.sin(rotation),
- scale['x'] * math.sin(rotation) + scale['y'] * math.cos(rotation),
position['altitude'] + scale['z'],
for flag in map_dict['flag_list']:
position = flag['position']
build_rectangle(document, position['latitude'], position['longitude'],
1, 1, position['altitude'], 'flag', map_info, map_size)
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
ET.indent(tree, ' ')
tree.write('.'.join((filename, 'kml')), encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='convert a simulator map into kml format')
args = parser.parse_args()
map_filename, _ = os.path.basename(args.map_path).split('.')
with open(args.map_path) as map_json:
map_json_dict = json.load(map_json)
write_kml(map_filename, map_json_dict)
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