1. 20 Dec, 2021 2 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      component/nxdtest: v↑ (namespaces, /tmp-on-tmpfs, cancellation) · e45dc8f0
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      This upgrade
      - teaches nxdtest to run each testcase with its own /tmp and /dev/shm to
        detect after each test run leaked temporary files, leaked mount
        entries, to isolate different test runs from each other, and to provide
        tmpfs on /tmp for every test.
      - teaches nxdtest to propagate cancellation to spawned test jobs, so
        that whenever user cancels corresponding test run in ERP5 UI, nxdtest
        stops promptly. This should be most useful for long-running tests like
        SlapOS.SoftwareReleases.IntegrationTest-* which before had to be
        waited for for hours to complete even after cancelling test run in ERP5.
      Pytest-mock is added because it becomes dependency to test nxdtest
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      Move mock pinning into stack/slapos.cfg · a1d30c26
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Several places pin mock egg individually. There are pins to `mock = 3.0.5`
      and pins to `mock = 2.0.0:whl`. Mock 3.0.5 is the last version that
      supports Python2 and can be considered as "current" in our context today.
      For nxdtest we are going to add pytest-mock, which depends on the mock,
      which, if not consolidated, will need to add another `mock = 3.0.5`
      -> Stop doing that and move mock pinning into stack/slapos.cfg.
      This way it will be even easier for upcoming Python3 support, because in
      stack/slapos.cfg we can add per-Python3 [versions] with pins adjusted as
      needed for py3, but all still in one single place.
      Leave `mock = 2.0.0:whl` pins intact to be updated when needed by
      maintainers of corresponding software releases:
          software/slapos-sr-testing/software.cfg:mock = 2.0.0:whl
          software/slapos-testing/software.cfg:mock = 2.0.0:whl
          software/wendelin/software-kerastensorflow.cfg:mock = 2.0.0:whl
  2. 17 Dec, 2021 6 commits
  3. 16 Dec, 2021 7 commits
  4. 15 Dec, 2021 6 commits
  5. 14 Dec, 2021 3 commits
  6. 13 Dec, 2021 10 commits
  7. 12 Dec, 2021 6 commits