• Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
    [NOT FOR GENERIC]: erp5_web_renderjs_ui: Re-add functions to rjs_gadget_erp5_global.js · 9f84a2e9
    Georgios Dagkakis authored
    and load this gadget in the launcher
    Since e1ab9098 of generic, some functions defined in rjs_gadget_erp5_global.js
    were added to gadget_global.js in portal_skins.
    However, this caused problem, since users might obtain cached version of file in portal_skins.
    Even though we changed gadget_global.js to use must-revalidate HTTP cache,
    users may still have old version and not request a new one.
    So this commit:
    - Re-adds functions to rjs_gadget_erp5_global.js
    - Loads rjs_gadget_erp5_global.js at the site launcher, so functions are always there
    even if not found in gadget_global.js version
    Mark as [NOT FOR GENERIC] since it is a patch to ensure we do not upgrade issues.
    I do not know though if this may impact other projects and what the solution would be
rjs_gadget_erp5_launcher_html.xml 10.3 KB