Commit 397a8924 authored by Christophe Dumez's avatar Christophe Dumez
Browse files

- add support for list parameters in hdden field generation

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent fbb59ccf
......@@ -151,9 +151,17 @@ IDEAS:\n
tal:attributes="name python: \'%s:method\' % (form_action, )" />\n
<!-- Generic way of specifying http parameters -->\n
<tal:block tal:repeat="parameter http_parameter_list/items">\n
<input tal:condition="python: parameter[1] is not None"\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: same_type(parameter[1], [])">\n
<tal:block tal:repeat="list_item python: parameter[1]">\n
<input tal:condition="python: list_item is not None"\n
tal:attributes="name python: \'%s:list\' % (parameter[0], );\n
value python: list_item;" type="hidden" />\n
<input tal:condition="python: not same_type(parameter[1], []) and parameter[1] is not None"\n
tal:attributes="name python: parameter[0];\n
value python: parameter[1];" type="hidden" />\n
<div id="main_bar">\n
<span class="first">\n
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